UPDATE: The trial of telephone requisitions has concluded. Further information on the outcome of the trial will be shared shortly.
Feedback tells us that customers like a quick phone call to resolve a simple issue with an application. We are introducing a trial to show how effective they are in resolving simple request for information (requisition) points.
We don’t currently have comprehensive information on how often they were used and how much time they saved for customers and for our caseworkers. The aim of the trial is to help us make evidence-driven decisions about the future of telephone requisitions.
How this will work
Customers may receive a call from an HM Land Registry caseworker when a call can resolve minor or straightforward issues that are blocking the completion of an application. We will be starting with some of our older cases, rather than the newest cases.
If we have scheduled a call with you, please do not phone us in the meantime.
Where the point cannot be resolved on a call, we will put our request in writing in the usual way; most requisitions are sent using email where one has been supplied. The best way to reply to a written requisition is to use ‘reply to requisition’ within the portal as this is automatically added to your application.
This is a trial being undertaken by a limited number of staff and will not cover all applications that are submitted during the month, so you may receive a call on one application but not on another submitted around the same time. The purpose of the call is to facilitate completion of the application that that member of staff is actioning at that time and caseworkers will not be able to discuss any other applications.
Next steps
The trial is scheduled to last for at least one month to give enough data, starting on 27 January 2022. We will then take stock of what the trial has told us and make a decision on how to proceed. At this stage we are not necessarily committing to the reintroduction of telephone requisitions as we want to be sure that any long-term solution provides real support for our customers as well as bringing greater efficiency – and therefore speed – to our services.
We will share details of any future decision when more information is available.
Comment by Ron Riley posted on
Comment by Jennie Hedges posted on
Excellent idea to bring this back; where requisitions are simple and straightforward, it's a much quicker way to resolve issues.
Comment by ASHLEY FISHER posted on
I think this is an extremely good idea. I remember the days when I received such telephone calls from the Land Registry which generally resolved the Requisition and saved both parties time and also improved relations between us when you were able to speak to someone in person rather than remotely.
Comment by Angela Kendrick posted on
Could you please clarify what is meant by "scheduled" call - will we receive a message from HMLR telling us to expect a call at a specific time?
What number(s) will be used by HMLR to make the call to us? Will it be the main number registered with HMLR for each branch or will it be the phone number on the AP1?
What will HMLR caseworker do it (a) they can't contact the casehandler dealing with the file at our end or (b) the case handler can't answer the requisition satisfactorily?
What records will be held by HMLR about who they spoke to and how the requisition was resolved?
Comment by Gavin Curry posted on
Thank you for your questions. To answer them in order:
• we may in some cases organise a time to call that suits you, our customers, on the day we identify the point that needs raising
• any call from us will show as the customer support number: 0300 006 0411
• if we cannot contact the file handler or they are unable to provide an answer to the points we will send a written requisition (sent by email where one is provided)
• as part of application records we retain all information relating to a decision as part of the application history. For more information please see our Personal Information Charter: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/land-registry/about/personal-information-charter
Comment by Cyndy Walker posted on
I really hope this is successful - the Land Registry certainly used to phone when e.g. a post code was omitted or other minor issue.
A much quicker way to resolve things.
Comment by Imran Ahmad posted on
About time!
Removing telephone requisitions was a crazy idea that assisted the backlog.
Can't come sooner.
Thank you for listening.
Comment by Maria Anstiss posted on
Dear Sirs
This is a useful and practical way of dealing with applications and hope it will be implemented for a further period.
Comment by Rachel Goddard posted on
I welcome the prospect of using phone calls to resolve issues.
Comment by Rod Greenhalgh posted on
Paper requisitions are often easier to manage, as they can be dealt with outside of office hours, when during office hours it is not always possible to instantly provide a complete answer to the points raised.
Comment by Gavin Curry posted on
Thank you for your comment. Paper requisitions will continue where issues cannot be resolved with a phone call.
Comment by Richard JASPER Dawson posted on
Good idea which may speed applications up.
Comment by MR Andrew Hart posted on
As usual the Land Registry is very impressive with this trial.
Comment by Kevin Leigh posted on
Good idea!
Comment by Keeley Livingstone posted on
Great idea to bring this back.
Comment by Ken Delagua posted on
Absolutely agree that it should be brought back.
Comment by Dan Murphy posted on
Great idea!
Comment by Jeffrey Shaw, solicitor, Nether Edge Law posted on
Let's hope that the lamentable Title Create backlog (some of my applications are still stalled after well over a year!) can be winnowed-down. We're entitled to expect that HMLR staff back at work (i.e. in the office!) can this year return us to delays of no more than a couple of months for Title Create or a couple of days for Title Update.
I've no idea why the telephonic raising of queries, whether as Requisitions or not, was ever discontinued!
Comment by Claire Flood posted on
Yes this is a simple way of resolving matters.
Comment by E.Mott posted on
Excellent - used to work very well for quick queries.
Comment by Antonia Graham posted on
Excellent news, thank you for trialling this
Comment by John Rogers posted on
A good idea, but not a substitute for being able to contact the caseworker directly. Phoning your call centre on a specif query relating to an application is more or less useless.
Comment by Gavin Curry posted on
Thank you for your comment. Caseworkers are directly contacting conveyancers as part of this trial. We hope to bring you updates on the results of this work soon.