Making electronic signatures and digital identity easier to use

Mike Abraham and Abbie Purslow explore the positive developments in electronic signatures and digital identity tools.
Mike Abraham and Abbie Purslow explore the positive developments in electronic signatures and digital identity tools.
Are you considering entering a restriction in your property title register to protect against fraud? Find out how the Form LL ‘counter-fraud’ restriction works, what the pros and cons are and how to go about applying for one.
People often call us to ask about joint ownership and whether they own their property as a ‘joint tenant’ or ‘tenant in common’. Here's how you can try to find out.
You can apply to have your urgent application fast-tracked through our free expedite service. It's available for applications where a delay would put a property sale or any kind of property transaction at risk.
We are excited to launch a new dedicated practice guide to signing deeds and documents electronically. We hope it will give clarity where required and encourage users who are new to electronic signatures.
How you can help protect yourself from fraud using our free Property Alert service.
Our latest move away from paper-based processes means that from November 2022 we will no longer accept scanned or PDF copies of AP1s for changes to existing titles via the HM Land Registry portal.
Making our digital channels easier to use and enabling the transfer of digital data across organisational boundaries will reduce requisitions, progress calls and speed up completion of cases.
Deputy Director for Digital Services Eddie Davies explains how digital applications will make registering land and property quicker and easier by making error checking and processing times faster.
Skilful, knowledgeable and here to help: a look at our Customer Support Centre.