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How sharing your experience helps to improve the Digital Registration Service

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Every upgrade we have made to the Digital Registration Service since 2021 has depended on the involvement of conveyancers, legal professionals and other service users. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has taken part.

Digital by default – the day has arrived

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HM Land Registry has hit a major milestone following the publication of our 2022+ Strategy: we are now digital by default. Digital applications are something we’ve been talking about for a while and today our digital and automation ambitions became more of a reality.

Digital applications – 6 months to go

Six months ago, we told customers we had a year to switch to digital applications. Now at the midway point, we reflect on how far we’ve come in building out our digital application platforms and how customers are responding to the challenge of switching to digital. 

Digital applications will be game-changing – for you and us

Our latest move away from paper-based processes means that from November 2022 we will no longer accept scanned or PDF copies of AP1s for changes to existing titles via the HM Land Registry portal. 

Digital land registration – a vision for the future of digital conveyancing

The pace of digital change is accelerating. At HM Land Registry we are investing in more digital, intuitive services that help our customers to complete and submit applications that are right the first time.