There’s growing interest in digital mortgages

One year on from the first digital mortgage being signed, Eddie Davies explains why more and more people are using our ‘Sign your mortgage deed’ service.
One year on from the first digital mortgage being signed, Eddie Davies explains why more and more people are using our ‘Sign your mortgage deed’ service.
...been put in by so many people turn into a successful outcome. But what are the takeaways and what’s next? 1. Speak to users frequently This new service has borrowers,...
...(the document that promises the repayment), the borrower signs the deed online, and the conveyancer makes the deed effective on completion of the transaction. In reality, there are complex layers...
...then input this code to confirm that they are the person signing the deed. Our digital signature won’t be an electronic representation of a handwritten signature, but a secure way...
...what we meant by ‘signing digitally’. To sign the deed, our users just needed to enter a code which we’d sent to their mobile phones, and press a button to... that the service is simple and easy to use. Local Land Charges 2016 was a year of considerable progress for Local Land Charges (LLC). The LLC in-house IT team...
...provide us with an appropriate level of ID assurance before the borrower digitally signs their mortgage deed. We’re now getting close to the point where we will have developed all...