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Practice and Process archive


Practice guides 14, 19, 19A, 26, 27, 64, 68, 75 and 78, join our application support workshop, Ask Adam, and a new Conveyancing Matters podcast featuring Deputy Chief Executive Mike Harlow

Practice guides 1, 8, 10, 27, 28s1, 73 and 74, expedite status improvements, digital by default updates to our practice guides, Ask Adam, join our application support workshop, and an HM Revenue & Customs reminder about stamp duty land tax repayment requests where it’s claimed a property is not suitable for use as a dwelling


Practice guides 4, 11, 14, 52 and 73, processing times survey, information services fees reminder, Ask Adam, training round-up and electronic signatures reminder

Practice guides 1 and 6, new external-facing addresses for business customers, changes to our practice on personal covenants, changes to information services fees from December, tell us your requirements when ordering copies of paper documents, Ask Adam and training updates

Practice guides 11, 19, 35 and 57, changes to information services fees from December, original deeds and documents for first registration applications, reply to requisition feature on the portal expanded, rewriting requisitions, Ask Adam and training updates

Practice guides 1, 8, 19, 19A, 24, 25, 26, 49, 67 and 82, changes to information services fees from December, improvements to our phonelines, Ask Adam and training updates

Practice guides 7, 19, 26, 55, 56, 62A and 82, updating our practice guides to reflect our digital systems, acknowledgement of postal applications, original deeds for first registrations, portal enhancements, Ask Adam and training updates

Practice guides 6, 8, 9, 11, 14A, 19, 24, 26, 30, 31, 43, 52, 62, 63, 68 and 76, new RXC form, reminder about changes to our address for service policy and practices, Ask Adam and training updates

Practice guides 4, 6, 8, 19, 67 and 82, Improving Estimated Completion Dates, changes to our address for service policy and practices, Ask Adam and training updates

Practice guides 8, 14, 14a, 19, 25 and 78, applications for multiple identical restrictions, link to blog Amalgamation or merger – what’s the difference, Ask Adam and training updates

Practice guides 19, 25, 56, 63 and 67, execution of deeds by corporate bodies, important changes to the Charities Act 2011 and training updates

Practice guides 19 and 67, link to blog I want to ask for guidance, but what is a complex case? and training updates

Practice guides 2, 9, 28 and 50, removal of third party notifications, licensed probate practitioners and training updates


Practice guides 1, 6, 19 and 50, deferral of discharge requisitions and training updates

Practice guides 14 and 68, important changes to amending a deed or document during registration, telephone requisitions and training updates

Practice guides 4, 5, 6, 19, 27, 31, 50, 62, 67 and 73, and training updates

Practice guides 11, 19, 24, 37 and 62, change to our identity requirements for personal representatives and training updates

Practice guides 9, 24, 31, 67 and 78, change to our requisition letter template, reminder about Mortgage Documentation references, change to our identity requirements for personal representatives, and training updates

Practice guides 8, 19 and 25, lease extensions (surrender and regrants), Ask for Guidance clarification and training updates

Practice guides 41 and 56, temporary practice on new leases updated, View Applications enhancement, Digital Registration Service updates and training updates

Practice guides 9, 13, 19, 24, 25, 29, 40 and 63, 'front-loaded' support for complex applications and training updates

Practice guides 1 and 50, training updates and communications survey

Practice guides 6, 19, 30, 50, 63, 64 and 78, adding a Form A restriction by default, restrictions, discharges and training updates

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