Working in HM Land Registry’s IT department covers a wide variety of work – a lot of which often goes unseen. Steve Phillips, Director of Information Technology writes about two recent projects to improve and refresh our IT estate.
Our latest blog discusses how infrastructure planning integrates green, blue and grey assets to manage flooding and the impact of our most unpredictable natural asset.
This month Stephanie, our Web Content Manager, talks about using the search tool on GOV.UK to find the information you need.
Our series on data-driven infrastructure planning continues and explores the criteria for community development around eco-systems to preserve natural habitats.
Assistant Land Registrar Tim Smithers summarises Land Registry’s practice on cancellation of leases.
Director of Information Technology, Steve Phillips, writes about our recent visit from the Director General of the Government Digital Service.
Our latest blog explores the new local authority remit for housing to be constructed on regenerated brownfield sites.
John Pownall, Head of Guarantee and Litigation Group, explains how we try to recover indemnity payments made in cases of fraud and forgery.
Our latest blog offers insight into best practice in using intelligent geospatial data for infrastructure start-ups.
Shaun Ewings, Product Manager for our digital mortgage service, writes about how we've been talking to borrowers to make sure we build a service people want to use.