It is very clear we are living through extremely unusual times. Like many of you, we have had to make changes to the way we work to ensure we can keep on working and doing what's best for our customers and for the public health effort. We will continue to adapt as the situation and guidance evolves.
Our priorities
Since the lockdown was first announced in late March our challenge has been to maintain our most essential services, to protect our staff by following the public health guidelines, and to support the national effort to stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).
We have prioritised those services which have an immediate impact on the ability to buy and sell property; notably the official searches and copies applications needed before a sale can take place.
We are processing urgent updates to the register through our expedite process. Some of our customers have found themselves in very difficult circumstances and there have been some remarkable examples of our people working together to ensure each situation is managed to a successful conclusion.
We have also listened to the questions and comments coming in to us from our customers and introduced a number of policy changes including a temporary relaxation of our identity verification requirements and acceptance of ‘Mercury approach’ scanned signatures. Our Chief Executive, Simon Hayes, has been regularly emailing customers on these changes and the status of our services. These messages have been updated on our GOV.UK pages, through social media, shared with our stakeholders and on the HM Land Registry portal messaging.
However, like most businesses around the country – indeed around the world – we have had to quickly adapt to working under lockdown. In the beginning this meant we had fewer staff able to support our services, but we have been bringing more and more of our staff online and improving the speed of our services as quickly as possible.
Building our capacity
For many years we have been investing in automating some of our services, making it possible for our customers’ applications to be lodged electronically though our Business e-services. As a result of this long-term investment, when the lockdown hit our customers could still secure priority for their clients, with many search results being issued without delay, by using the HM Land Registry portal. However, many applications still need to be processed by our expert people.
As such our first priority was enabling our staff to work remotely. Even with recent changes to the government guidance we know there could be a second period of lockdown, bringing with it the additional impacts such as people being unavailable due to health issues or caring responsibilities. We believe this approach will support our efforts now will allow us to continue with greater flexibility in the long run.
We had to get our people online at a time when the entire country was looking to work remotely. Like you, our caseworkers are working in very different and sometimes difficult circumstances. Just under 6,000 staff work for HM Land Registry, and the vast majority are caseworkers who usually work from 14 offices across England and Wales.
Due to the sensitive nature of land registration we have never needed to perform land registration work remotely before, so only 1,000 members of staff have had equipment to work remotely.
Ensuring our staff had access was one part of the challenge. We knew we needed to develop new processes to securely support remote casework and we needed to do it quickly. However, above all else, it is essential the integrity of the register is not affected. This work cannot be rushed. We will be increasing our remaining service capacity over the coming months. Customers may have noticed requisitions and replies starting to come back.
Prior to 23 March, we completed 95% of the 18,000 daily applications to update the register within five days. We are now processing more updates than we receive each day, but it will take some time to clear the backlog which built up in March, April and early May when we were unable to process significant numbers. We have been processing fewer register create applications (first registrations, transfers of part and first leases) during this period but we will be rebalancing our efforts and resources on to these cases.
We are also aware that the volume of applications received has fallen and that many of our customers are expecting a bounce back over the summer months.
We were already reflecting on our priorities before the coronavirus struck, and we are taking the opportunity to take a step back and look at the level of service we provide across our different products. We will be reaching out to ask about all of our customers’ priorities and how they feel we should prioritise our work. We will then be reviewing how we manage all our services in line with what they tell us to make sure we are accurately meeting their needs and providing the best support possible to the market.
This may result in changes to some services. All decisions on this will be based on clear evidence that this is what our customers need. We will be sharing more about this in the coming months.
In the meantime, if there is a need to expedite an application, due to hardship or a linked transaction and so on, I urge customers to use Application Enquiry to ask us to expedite, and we will prioritise these cases where possible. This allows us to clearly identify the most urgent cases and quickly meet our customers’ needs.
This has been a very challenging time for us and our customers. I know our services have not always been up to our usual standards; however I believe we are now in a much stronger position and we are getting stronger every day. In a second blog, to be published in the next few days, I will be exploring how this work has positioned us to be even stronger going forward.
Comment by Alun Llewellyn posted on
Appreciate your problems and the difficulties working around Coronavirus but I purchased my house last September and still you have been unable to enter the details in the Register. It is a new home but surely after nearly 9 months it should have been possible to update the Register; what if I wanted to put the house on the market now?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Alun - unfortunately we have had a backlog if this type of work for some time now. The purchase is protected as we have the application but if you should decide to sell and you find a buyer then we ha a process where applications can be expedited if an urgency arises.
It is far from ideal but it is workable and hopefully provides some reassurance that such things are still possible even after as long a wait as you have experienced. If there is no urgency then please bear with us and we will process the application as soon as we can
Comment by Alun Llewellyn posted on
Thank you Adam for your very prompt response.
Comment by Sarah Wall posted on
How long can someone expect to wait to have an application expedited please? Especially where there is a sale at risk.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sarah - requests to expedite, if made through the correct channel, are normally processed within a couple of working days. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-impact-on-hm-land-registrys-services#expedite-an-application
Expedition reduces the wait time before it’s then considered. We quote 10 working days but currently most are looked at within a couple of working days. First registrations may wait a bit longer.
Everything then hinges on it being in order of course and if it’s not then timescales will be stretched
Comment by Sarah Wall posted on
Thank you so much for your quick reply. Once it's been approved to be expedited how long can we then expect until we receive approval please? You mention that 'First registrations may wait a bit longer'. In our case the owners lost the original deeds but the house was never registered. In that case can we expect a delay?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sarah - as per my reply. Considered within 10 working days. If the deeds have been lost then it’s then all about what evidence has been provided
Comment by Sarah posted on
Hi Adam,
I am having no luck getting an update on a discharge of a charge that was submitted on the 19th October. Our solicitor has access to the portal but the application just says pending. We are in the process of selling our house with the purchaser wanting to move quickly and my worry now is that this is going to hold the process up . Is there a way of getting an update on timescales? Kind regards Sarah
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sarah - I understand you’ve also contacted us by Twitter so I’ll let my colleague assist
Comment by Sarah Wall posted on
Thank you again for your swift reply Adam
Comment by Emma posted on
Hi I submitted an application to remove a restriction last month but still not heard anything. My re mortgage & additional borrowing is reliant on this & I have builders booked. Do you know how long these applications are taking? Thank you. Emma
Comment by AdamH posted on
Emma - all applications are significantly delayed so if there’s an urgency such as a linked transaction then a request to expedite is recommended
I should stress that with some applications to remove a restriction wider checks are required to confirm removal. Expedition reduces the wait time for an application to be considered. It doesn’t negate those wider checks or registration requirements
Comment by Emma posted on
Thanks Adam, it’s all bewildering to me as I don’t understand the system!
Thank you
Comment by Kate posted on
What has happened to the forum? I tried to get on it today and all my links were broken. Googled it and saw this.
HM Land Registry - Get Satisfactionm.getsatisfaction.com › companies › landregistry
HM Land Registry 100155 Dear All <br /><br />From Tuesday 30 June 2020 this forum will be unavailable. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
When will it be reinstated? I found it invaluable. I missed the notification as I'd turned off the feeds to my email account.
Grateful for an update.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Kate - that particular forum has been ended by its provider. We are working on a replacement but it may not go live for a few weeks yet.
When it does the details will appear on our Contact page as before https://www.gov.uk/guidance/contact-hm-land-registry
Comment by Kate Smith posted on
Thanks Adam, for your prompt response. I'll look out for the replacement and hope it appears sooner rather than later. It was a really useful tool and it's unfortunate it's disappeared just as I need it.
Thank you
Comment by Susan Walker posted on
Good morning,
We are purchasing a house with two owners on Land Registry title. One is buying the other out before Exchange with us and their Conveyancer will be submitting the paperwork to you next week. How long will this take to change the Title so that we can get on with the Exchange?
Many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Susan - estimates would be around 4/5 weeks if all in order. I’d suggest they need to submit it first and then follow it up with a request to expedite https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-impact-on-hm-land-registrys-services#expedite-an-application
Important they do it in that order and as guided
Comment by Melanie Oakes posted on
I am having my name taken off the deeds of a jointly owned property. Could you tell me how long it takes to perform this? The documents were submitted 2 weeks ago electronically.
Many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Melanie - several weeks currently as we have a backlog of work https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-impact-on-hm-land-registrys-services#impact-on-our-services
Comment by Melanie Oakes posted on
Hi Adam,
Many thanks for your really quick response. I appreciate why you have used the word "several", but as a house purchase is relying on release of equity, can I ask if a period of 3 to 4 weeks counts as "several", given that the LR have already had the paperwork for 2 weeks?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Melanie - I use several as timescales will vary at this disrupted time. It is very unlikely to be 3/4 weeks and I would always refer you to the linked guidance which explains that if there’s a proven urgency then your conveyancer should be asking to expedite it.
Comment by Stephen posted on
Hi, my solicitor filed our lease extension forms on 29th November and these still haven't been processed. We are now selling our property and the buyer requires this filing to be completed. This has left our sale in a precarious position. What can we do?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Stephen - ask your conveyancer to follow our online guidance for requesting expedition https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-impact-on-hm-land-registrys-services#expedite-an-application
Comment by Stephen posted on
Thanks! If my previous conveyancer is away, can I do this myself or does that cause an issue as they lodged the application? My sale is being handled by a separate conveyancer
Comment by AdamH posted on
Stephen - follow the guidance and submit documentary evidence to confirm the sale/purchase e.g copy of the memorandum of sale.
Comment by Sam posted on
Hi Adam
Hope all is well
I have transferred a title of deeds across by way of gift to 2 family members
All the forms and payment were sent via post by myself as per process 3 weeks ago
Do I have to wait for a response before trying to expedite, as the forms asks for a reference number which I don't currently have!?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sam - simply add a sequence of digits to the reference field. You’ll get an auto response which you should then reply to and attach a copy of the documentary evidence confirming the urgency
Comment by Steve H posted on
Hi, I have just tried to gain access to your online support forum at https://support.landregistry.gov.uk/landregistry/categories but it's not loading up? Do you know if it's down at the moment?
Comment by AdamH posted on
SteveH - the forum is no longer available after the provider withdrew support for it. We are currently working on a replacement and hopefully that will be available later this month/early September. Details will appear on our contact page when that happens https://www.gov.uk/guidance/contact-hm-land-registry
Comment by Steve H posted on
Hi Adam,
Thanks for your response. Sad to hear that the support was withdrawn.
Can you advise on where I could get advice about filling in an AP1 form? I have read and watched the online help for filling out the form but have a question that isn't covered with the online guides. I was going to pose a question on the forum, which had worked well for me previously.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Steve H - what’s the Q and I’ll try to help here?
Comment by Steve H posted on
Thanks Adam,
I am trying to fill out the forms to complete a property share transfer. The property is owned by myself, my two sisters and my father. It is spilt down as follows: my father owns a one-half share, my two sisters and myself own a one-sixth share each. I recently sold my one-sixth share to my mother and need to update the title register. I understand that we need to fill out the forms AP1, TR1 & ID1's for each party. I have completed the TR1 form but I'm having a bit of trouble on section 4 (Application, priority and fees) of the AP1 form, in particularly what to write under the Applications in priority order. I have put in the currently put in the box "Transfer of whole for value" but I'm unsure if this is correct. Are you able to advise?
Many Thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
SteveH - just refer to it as a Transfer. If the Transfer is for monies put that amount in. If it’s not then put the full market value and 3xplained the share aspect in a covering letter
You can only Transfer the whole of the legal ownership so all of you will be transferring to your Father, your sisters and your Mother
Comment by Steve H posted on
Thank you for your reply Adam. That is very helpful 🙂
It is for monies, so I have put that amount in. Do I need to put anything else in section four like alteration of the register?
Also another question that may be more difficult to answer. If we submitted all the forms along with a cheque for the correct fees what would happen if we had made a mistake? Would we have to pay the fees and resubmit everything? (Not that I'm planning to get it wrong, just trying to understand the process).
Comment by AdamH posted on
Steve - nothing more in panel 4. If you got something wrong we’d write to you to put it right. There’s no extra fee
Comment by Steve H posted on
That's brillaint!
Thank you very much for your help Adam 🙂
Many Thanks
Comment by Hay posted on
How long is changing a title from possessory to absolute roughly taking at the moment ?
Could this be expedited as it’s holding up exchange ?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Hay - the wait time will be several weeks before it’s processed. So if there’s an urgency go the linked expedite request route https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-impact-on-hm-land-registrys-services#expedite-an-application
Comment by Hay posted on
If it was to be successful in Being expedited how long would it then take ?
Many thanks for fast reply!
Comment by AdamH posted on
Hay - expedition reduces the wait time from weeks to days. Everything then hinges on it being in order. If it is then it’s completed. If it’s not it then depends on what else is needed
Comment by Carolyn Floyd posted on
Hi, we're looking to complete a fairly complex transfer (complex because there are 5 people involved). In the current circumstances, we've opted to fill out ID3 forms for verification. Unfortunately one of the people involved has a passport which expired in May this year. Is it possible this would still be considered valid given that a) the passport office is not currently operating a full service b) you have written in your FAQs that you have stopped "rejecting applications where evidence or confirmation of identity is completely missing until further notice"?
In other words, can we go ahead and submit the forms (inc. ID3 forms) where all passports are in date apart from one which is 3 months out of date?
Thanks in advance
Comment by AdamH posted on
Carolyn - there is nothing to prevent you from submitting. However if the application is not in order we will then ask you to rectify that as and when it is considered. The wait time is currently around 5 weeks
Comment by Carolyn Floyd posted on
OK, thanks Adam
Comment by Jon Shepherd posted on
We applied for a change to the register, not for monetary consideration, for a property held on trust with a Form E restriction. The transfer papers along with the ID1s were delivered to you on 11th August and cheque was cashed within 3 days. When should I expect the application to complete?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Jon - current timescales suggest a 4/5 week wait before it’s considered. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-impact-on-hm-land-registrys-services#impact-on-our-services
Timescales then depend on whether it’s in order and/or wider checks are needed
Comment by CJ posted on
I am in the process of remortgaging my leasehold property and was just about to complete but the new lenders solicitors are advising that there are two applications on my property. The first relates to a lease extension (which I have just read my solicitor can apply to expedite this and I will pursue) but the second relates to my original lender selling its mortgage business to another lender shortly before Covid19 started in Ernest - could you please advise how to expedite this second application as I am stuck with no idea of when this second application will complete and risk losing the fixed rate mortgage I am trying to secure.
Comment by AdamH posted on
CJ - same process as your conveyancer should follow re own application so ask them to flag second application also
Comment by Mohamed posted on
Hi, I am buying a parcel of garden land from my neighbour and have some queries about filling in AP1. I want the land to be added to the title plan of my property, Do I need to put both title numbers in panel 2, the one the land is being transferred off and the one I want it to be transferred onto ? In panel 4, application, priority and fees, do I put just Transfer and the amount paid ? In part 5, do I list only TP1 or do I need to add the ID1 form too ? In panel 6, the applicant is the buyer, seller or both ? Does an ID1 need to filled in for both buyer and seller, also given the value is 3000 pounds are they required ?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Mohamed - yes and you need to also provide a written explanation as to why amalgamation is being applied for. It is not always possible to amalgamate and we won’t routinely do so on request so do reserve the right to say No to such requests.
Yes re panel 4 but also list Amalgamation- see letter
Panel 5 lists all docs so if you are providing ID1 forms then you’d list them
Panel 6 is the buyer
ID1s are needed for all parties but if the Transfer is for less than £6K then they are not needed.
Each of your Qs are covered by the linked guidance for completing the transfer of lan£ and forms
Use the links to how to complete each form for example
Comment by Mohamed posted on
Thanks Adam. What are acceptable reasons for requesting an amalgamation ?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Mohamed - there’s no ‘list’ so you have to make a case for it. Our policy starts with a No as dealing with more than on3 title makes very little difference from a registration perspective. So if you have a reason for requesting it then include that with your application. We’ve got to deal with the Transfer anyway and your request doesn’t jeopardise that.
Comment by Mohamed posted on
Thanks Adam. You mentioned the ID1 form is not required for a transfer of less than 6K. Do I instead need to provide a certified valuation, as per the ID1 guide ? And given the current circumstances with Covid 19 and the difficulty in getting someone to come out and value land is there some exemption ?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Mohamed - you stated that the Transfer was for monies so if that’s less than £6K you don’t need a valuation. If we have any concerns we may ask for more evidence but if it’s a small parcel of land I doubt we will
Comment by Mohamed posted on
So, on panel 14 section (2) Evidence of identity I don't tick anything ?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Mohamed - just put names and add ‘none - low value exception’ for example
Comment by Hay posted on
Once an application has been submitted requesting expedite along with evidence.
How long after submitting can I expect a response of It being successful or not successful ?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Hay - within 5 working days normally
Comment by Hay posted on
Sellers solicitor requested expedite but didn’t supply evidence. So he/she was then asked to resubmit a request.
He/she then asked my solicitor to submit evidence.
I took it upon myself to request expedite as well
As supplying some supporting evidence.
So the file for the address will most likely be showing a few expedites will this cause an issue on my request being looked at as he/she hasn’t fully done the expedite As didn’t submit evidence ?
I’d also like to thank you for your guidance and fast responses.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Hay - multiple requests are rarely needed and do create extra work to manage/respond to but it won’t be an issue re processing of the application, which as stated, has already begun. If they respond quickly and fully then there will hopefully be no delay or risk of missing your Mortgage timescale.
Comment by Hay posted on
Thanks for this information.
Have a good day.
Comment by Hay posted on
I done it on Saturday ... will this Sunday and Monday count as days ?
Wasn’t expecting a response on bank holiday, so worth an ask.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Hay - working days are weekdays (exc bank holidays)
Comment by Wasim posted on
Hi, we are currently in the process of buying a property but part of the garden has land that is not registered in the title deeds. We requested the vendors (who have lived there for 18 years) to register the land in their name prior to completion. This was done in June and we are still waiting for information on progress. Do you have an idea on how long this could take ?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Wasim - the wait time will be several months so they need to request expedition
Comment by D Wilson posted on
We purchased our new house on 16th June and are keen to know when the register is likely to e updated i.e. what is the current delay/backlog
Comment by AdamH posted on
D Wilson - all depends on the type of registration. If new, as in new build, the wait time is several months. If it’s new as in already registered but new to you then several weeks
Your conveyancer should be able to advise and if there’s no onward sale/urgency it’s a case of bearing with us. Your purchase is safe/protected as long as w3 have the application
Comment by Victoria posted on
Hi Adam H, we sold our house 3 weeks ago to avoid losing a sale even though we couldn't complete on our new property because we are waiting for the title to be updated to remove a contract to sell to a third party. We are in temporary accommodation with our twin babies with everything in storage while we wait for this update. Can you give us an idea of timescales please? Thank you.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Victoria - wait times for updating the register are around 4/5 weeks. If it’s to remove a contract entry then there may need to be wider checks as well so best to ask the conveyancer to request expedition now and not wait https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-impact-on-hm-land-registrys-services#expedite-an-application
Comment by Victoria posted on
Adam thanks so much for your quick reply. We've asked the conveyancer to expedite and they haven't done so, said we will have to wait. Are you able to expedite on our behalf? Does our situation qualify to expedite an application? Thank you.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Victoria - it’s their application so the request should come from them. They may have reasons for wanting to wait.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Ashley - the details were submitted on Friday. The matter will be referred to the caseworker and as it’s expedited, considered again ASAP. Hopefully that will be tomorrow or Wednesday
Comment by Charlotte Berry-Selwood posted on
My husband and I subdivided a large house into 2 houses last year and sold one. The second property has now been sold but I've been informed by my lawyer that the application for the title separation is still not complete by yourselves despite being lodged at the start of the year.
Our sale is now pendant on this being finalised. What do I need to do to get this expedited as I'm very worried we may lose the sale?
Thank you for your help in advance.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Charlotte - ask the lodging solicitor to request expedition. They will be aware of what’s needed and the process involved. They will also be aware if there is any other reason for a delay
Comment by Charlotte Berry-Selwood posted on
Hi Adam,
Thank you for the quick reply.
The lawyer acting for us now is not the same as the one who lodged the application for the previous house sale. Can my current lawyer request expedition or does it have to be the original lawyer?
Many Thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Charlotte - ideally the firm who lodged it but we will consider any request provid8ng documentary evidence is also supplied
Comment by Judith posted on
We need quickly to exchange contracts so as to avoid losing a house. The mortgage lender requires our jointly owned other property (a flat) to be put into the sole name of one of us. I have form TR/1. Time is our enemy. How quickly could the LR help us? I appreciate your attention.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Judith - the application needs to be made first. A request to then expedite should be submitted along with documentary evidence of the urgency. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-impact-on-hm-land-registrys-services#expedite-an-application
If it’s expedited then we would consider it within 10 working days (usually under 5) and everything then hinges on it being in order of course
Comment by AdamH posted on
Ashley - the application is now waiting for wider checks to complete. I assume, from your reference to Nationwide, that you are aware of that and they are involved in those checks. If so then they won’t have heard as yet as the checks were only issued yesterday.
Comment by Charlotte posted on
Hi Adam
I am currently in the process of purchasing a house and have been in this process since March. There is a restriction that needs removing on the property I am buying. We are urgently waiting to move so the sellers solicitor has submitted an 'RX3' this morning. Could you please advise on timescales for this?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Charlotte - if it’s an RX3 then it’s an application to cancel and generally speaking it won’t be considered for at least a month in the current circumstances.
If there’s an urgency then the solicitor now needs to request expedition to ensure it’s considered ASAP.
Comment by charlotte posted on
Thank you for the speedy response Adam. I will request that the sellers solicitor considers requesting expedition so we can move forward in a timely manner as there is an urgency.
Comment by Michael posted on
Hi Adam,
I purchased my property back in Sep 19 and filed for Land registration late last year. I still haven't received the land register pack back. My solicitor says the application is still with you. It has been a year already and just want to know how much longer is needed? Surely after such a long time, it should be completed?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Michael - unfortunately we do have some applications that are a year old. That is down to a backlog of work that has existed for some time now and deepened due to Covid.
I must stress though that your purchase is protected. We will get to it shortly but if there is no urgency it really is a case of bearing with us still.
Comment by AdamH posted on
M - the wait time, if it’s an already registered title, is 4/5 weeks so I’d check with your solicitor as if it’s a first registration then you are looking at several months.
The solicitor is likely to have submitted copies of the deeds so again check with them as they may be able to help.
As far as the visa application is concerned in my experience it’s best to check with them as to what they’d accept
Comment by Greg Cole posted on
Hi Adam,
In process of our sale, it has come to light that the title deed does not reflect boundaries on the ground. What is the process of rectifying with the Land Registry, and do you know likely service levels in responding/processing?
Many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Greg - that all depends on what’s wrong and why. I’d suggest you speak to your conveyancer to identify what’s wrong, why and how best to deal with that. Until you know that we can’t advise on timescales as putting something right depends on the specifics involved and can vary from a short timescale to a very long one
Comment by Samantha Tanfield posted on
I am almost at the top of a sales chain. My seller, myself and my buyer are all ready to complete (since 25th August), but a link further down the chain has an issue with Land Registry (something to do with a name change due to divorce or marriage). We have been waiting for this since end of August, we are now approaching November. It was apparently expedited 8 weeks ago. The stress and frustration is making me and my husband ill, worrying that the chain will break down because of the unfair wait. Our offer was accepted in May, so we are now 5 months in. What can we do?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Samantha - do you have the title number and case reference for it? If it’s been expedited then it’s already on the move but it shouldn’t be taking that long if in order
Comment by Samantha Tanfield posted on
Hi Adam, do you have an email address I can contact you on to send details.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Samantha - if you wish to raise an enquiry then please use our Contact form and the support team can assist. https://help.landregistry.gov.uk/app/contactus_general
Comment by Amy posted on
Hi I was hoping that you could possibly help me. We are in the process of purchasing a property (offer accepted in July). Despite repeatedly trying to chase conveyancer for information we’re getting no clear update. We are now being pushed by the buyers of our house for a completion date that we simply cannot give as there are outstanding issues (something to do with Rx3 or Rx4 or TR2 forms being completed). We’ve been told that there ha been a request for this to be expedited back in September but still not had a response from conveyancer as to where thus is up to. The buyers are threatening to pull out of the sale of our property which means that we would lose the house we’re buying or leave us having to rent (which we cannot commit to really wity three kids). I wondered if it were possible if you could provide me with some information as to where we might up to on this matter. The address is 25 Hesketh Meadow Lane, Lowton, Wa32ah. Kind regards Amy
Comment by AdamH posted on
Amy - we did have applications in against that property dating back to August. However after some correspondence they were cancelled in September. It appears that new applications have just been lodged so if there’s an urgency I’d suggest you speak to the conveyancer to clarify/confirm and to request expedition now. As things stand these won’t be considered for 4-5 weeks
Comment by Amy Rowland posted on
Hi Adam
Thanks so much for your prompt response I really appreciate it. Unfortunately this is not the news we were hoping for so will get into the conveyancer now. I wondered whether you could confirm what date the new application was submitted (when you say just it sounds like days rather than the weeks we were led to believe)
Kind regards
Comment by AdamH posted on
Any - 22nd October
Comment by Amy posted on
Dear Adam
I hope you don’t mind me messaging you again. I know you must be so busy right now and I hate to add to this. I just wondered if you had any update on this application at all? I don’t know if it’s been progressed or not or if you had any information about it please? We’re getting no response from conveyancer when we ask and we’re just feeling a bit in the dark so thought I’d try and ask you.
Kind regards
Comment by AdamH posted on
Amy - it’s still with us and was considered this week. It’s now with one of our senior officers to decide if it can be completed without more information or wider checks being made
Hopefully a decision will be made shortly
Comment by Amy posted on
Thanks for the update Adam this is good to hear. Hopefully everything will be ok and we’ll be able to progress quickly as the buyers for our house are pushing to get in. Thankyou for letting me know
Have a good day.
Comment by Sue shears posted on
Hi I am buying a property but it seems the land registry plan is incorrect. Their solicitors have emailed HMLR to clarify the error on 22nd October. Do you know how long this will take and whether the request should be expedited as this is holding up our sale ? Many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sue - if they’ve emailed us then they should get a reply within 5-7 working days. You can’t expedite an email enquiry though, only an actual application.
Comment by Jenny Whitby posted on
Hi Adam we urgently need the register updated to enable a sale to proceed; we cannot exchange without this being done and the purchase of two other houses will fall through if we don't exchange next week. The solicitor has applied for into be expedited today how long will this take?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Jenny - if they’e used the right channel and provided documentary evidence to confirm the sale/purchase then the request would normally be considered and approved within a few days.
If expedited then the application would be considered within 2 weeks but most are processed within 3-4 days. Everything then hinges on it being in order of course
The conveyancer can monitor its progress for you
Comment by Jenny Whitby posted on
Thank you for your very prompt reply. Will you inform the solicitor if everything is in order etc and that you will expedite it?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Jenny - yes as part of the request process.
Comment by Jenny posted on
Sorry to ask so many questions it's about the removal of an easment: the right of access by both the owner of the property we are selling and the the neighbour has been revoked by mutual agreement. Solicitors have drawn up an agreement that both parties have signed. Does this make any difference as to how quick it can be processed/registered?
Not sure what the technical term for all of this but I hope this makes sense.
Thank you for you're very prompt and helpful replies an excellent service.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Jenny - yes if all parties are in agreement and have created a legal deed that releases the easements and can be registered as doing so on the affected titles. You’ve still got a 4/5 week wait before it’s considered once lodged. Then it’s all about being in order.
Comment by Jenny Whitby posted on
Hi Adam
Thanks again for your prompt reply. So are you saying it will take 4-5 weeks for it all to be registered even if its expedited? can it not be processed in days because if it's not then we will loose the houses we are trying to purchase.
Kind regards
Comment by AdamH posted on
Jenny - if it’s expedited then the wait time is reduced to within 2 weeks but generally speaking often 5 or less. But as I said everything really depends on it being in order and registrable.
Comment by Jenny Whitby posted on
Hi Adam
My last questions seems to have vanished and I received an email saying you'd replied but I cant find that either!
In response to your last reply:
"Jenny - yes if all parties are in agreement and have created a legal deed that releases the easements and can be registered as doing so on the affected titles. You’ve still got a 4/5 week wait before it’s considered once lodged. Then it’s all about being in order."
Does it have to take 4-5 weeks can we expedite it and do it hopefully in a few days pr even two weeks maximum. We will loose the houses we are trying to purchase if it takes that long as our buyers lender wont release the funds until its been processed.
Thanks again for your help.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Jenny - if it’s expedited then the wait time is reduced to within 2 weeks but generally speaking often 5 or less. But as I said everything really depends on it being in order and registrable.
Your earlier comment was approved and the same answer provided so should be there
Comment by Jenny posted on
Hi Adam
Thank you for all your help.
Comment by Paul Rowland posted on
Please could you help with providing any information about an application under MAN273309. We’re being pushed to complete on the sale of our house with threats made to pull out if we don’t give them information re timescales but we cannot give them thus as we don’t know where the application is up to on the purchase of the new address attached above number.
Kind regards
Comment by AdamH posted on
Paul - the application was submitted on the 22nd October. The average wait time currently is around 4 weeks before it is considered. So you’ve got a few weeks to wait still. If there’s an urgency you should use our Contact form to make a request to expedite, ensuring that you reply to the acknowledgement with documentary evidence of the urgency for example a copy of the memorandum of sale https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-impact-on-hm-land-registrys-services#expedite
Comment by Paul posted on
Hi Adam
I know we’re not quite at 5 weeks and I’m sorry to keep pestering you but I wondered if you were able to advise as to whether the application on MAN273309 had progressed or not at all yet? I have had no information from the conveyancer about this but have received phone calls again last week and today from the buyers of our home asking where it is up to. I have reiterated to them the information you shared last time but again I’m being chased. Any information would be gratefully received. Kind regards, Paul
Comment by AdamH posted on
Paul - not as yet I’m afraid.
Comment by Paul posted on
Good morning Adam
I wonder if you could please provide any information on the above matter at all please?
Best wishes
Comment by AdamH posted on
Paul - can you share the specifics please?
Comment by Paul posted on
The address is 25 Hesketh meadow lane, lowton, Warrington Wa32ah
Thankyou very much
Comment by AdamH posted on
Paul - many thanks. We are in correspondence with the lender/applicant and looks like we’ve gone back to them today. So the ball will be back in their court
Comment by Paul posted on
Thanks for this update. I’m assuming by your comment that there is still some outstanding information required?
Kind regards
Comment by AdamH posted on
Paul - that’s correct
Comment by Paul posted on
Hi Adam
I wondered if I could possibly trouble you with an update on 25 Hesketh Meadow Lane Lowton Wa32ah. Every week we’re being asked by the buyers to our home for a rough timeframe (ie is is weeks or months they’re looking at) which I understand you cannot give us but I guess if there was any information this might appease them a little as last week they threatened to pull out of buying our house.
Kind regards
Comment by AdamH posted on
Paul - I can only access very limited details but those indicate that matters are still ongoing and we are waiting on further details being provided within the next 4 weeks. So I doubt if anything will progress further until those 4 weeks have passed.
Comment by MJones posted on
Hi Adam, I am currently in the process of buying a property that is currently unregistered (property from the 1960s that has never been registered).
My conveyancer has confirmed that it can take up to 6 months to sort!? Please can you confirm the latest timescales for registering a property for the first time and any tips to speed up the process?
Comment by AdamH posted on
M Jones - 6 months plus with a first registration at present. If there is an urgency, say the seller is registering and you’re buying, then the seller’s solicitor needs to request expedition
Comment by Hilary Berry posted on
Dear Adam
Title no. HS364069
18 Chapel Lane Barton Upon Humber DN18 5PJ
The form was sent in last week to be delivered on Friday 30 October 20 to have an interest in the property removed. Could you tell me how long it will take please for it to be updated?
Many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Hilary - the application isn’t in our system as yet but there can be a few days delay whilst post is opened, scanned and added.
Average timescales are around 4/5 week wait currently before it’s processed. Please bear with us and if you lodged it then we will contact you once it has been considered
Comment by Hils Berry posted on
Thank you. I just hope we don’t lose our sale as this has been going on for months.
Comment by Hilary posted on
Request now submitted by solicitor via portal. Any idea how long it will take now?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Hilary - 4/5 weeks wait time. If a request to expedite is made and approved that wait times reduced to 2 weeks or usually less. All depends on it then being in order
Comment by Hilary berry posted on
Hi Adam can you see if there is any movement on this yet? Solicitors don't seem to talk to each other!
Thank you Hilary
Comment by AdamH posted on
Hilary - an application HR4 was received against HS364069 on 13th Nov
Comment by Hilary Berry posted on
Hi Adam thanks for the reply. Can you tell me if it has been expedited?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Hilary - it hasn’t
Comment by Henry W posted on
Hi Adam,
I bought my property 230B Colney Hatch Lane N10 1EU, over a year ago and it looks like my conveyancers have failed to register me as the new owner - Title Number : AGL470277
Can you tell me what steps I can take to get this registered to myself? I am struggling with my solicitors.
Any help would be much appreciated
Comment by AdamH posted on
Henry - our online guidance explains how to register a transfer of ownership
I would though encourage you to consider matters first before trying to do this yourself. I am sure you have asked already but it’s important to check why they have yet to apply as there may be a reason you also need to overcome. And I would also look at their complaints procedure to try and escalate the issue within the firm. If there’s no legitimate reason for the delay then this might be a better option and will at least clarify why it is taking so long.
Comment by david comport posted on
Are there more than normal delays for applications to define boundaries ?
Comment by AdamH posted on
David Comport - I assume you mean a Determined Boundary Application. If so then the wait time between receipt and consideration is around 4/5 weeks. Timescales then depend on whether it’s in order and what checks we have to complete. If you used a conveyancer I’d recommend checking with them re progress
Comment by john cornford posted on
I put in a boundary query 200824-003986 Aug 27 to the wales office but, confusingly, got an acknowledgement from the durham office (200827 - 0007230) - which I'm now told (today) is no longer supported. Meanwhile I had followed up with more info - with an acknowledgement ref 200904-002315, but with no further detailed reply put in a full boundary determination request (by letter with supporting documents) about mid Sept, where my £90 fee was taken on Oct 3rd.
Since then I have had no acknowledgement.
I appreciate you are overloaded and my application is quite complicated and probably contentious. But I would have thought I would have had at least an acknowledgement by now
(Ref WSX382785 etc)
Comment by AdamH posted on
John Cornford - I’ll try and unravel the confusion and explain what’s happened also
Your boundary query was by post and whilst addressed to the Wales Office the postal address is a Gloucester PO Box. This is because all post is scanned and added to the system to be dealt with as appropriate.
The acknowledgement is from HMLR and not a specific office although our Customer Support Centre covers two sites, namely at Wales and Durham.
Your second enquiry on 27th Aug was by email to an email address we have been unable to support during Covid. You did the same on the 4th Sept. Both replies signposted you to use the Contact Us guidance online https://www.gov.uk/guidance/contact-hm-land-registry
However we replied to your original enquiry on the 3rd Sept
Your form DB application dated 18th Oct was against WSX382785 and WSX27197 and was added to our systems on 21st Oct. The cheque is cleared on receipt but we don’t routinely acknowledge applications.
Applications to update the register are currently waiting 4/5 weeks before being considered but it may well be considered sooner. When it is we will write to you as appropriate which depends on next steps, which may include contacting the neighbouring landowner(s) first.
Please do bear with us and we will write to you ASAP. If for any reason you should need to contact us then please reply to your incident email 200824-003986 rather than this blog article. Many thanks
Comment by Kirsty posted on
Hi Adam,
I have just been informed that our lease and freehold titles need to be merged before exchange on our property. Time is very much against as as my purchase is new build and the developers are insisting on exchange by 13th November. How long will this process take if expedited?
With best wishes,
Comment by AdamH posted on
Kirsty - expedition means the application is usually looked at within 2 weeks of that expedition. It is often much sooner, a few days, but in all cases everything hinges on the application then being in order of course. Your solicitor can track the expedition and progress for you
Comment by Kirsty posted on
Hi Adam,
Further to my above question, a requisition was raised and the application has been resubmitted for the title merge with the necessary documentation. We under extreme time pressure as we have now exceeded our deadline by over a week and the developers have issued a final deadline to complete by 27th November. Could you please advise the sort of timescale we can expect for the merge to be completed and if the resubmission has been processed/looked at?
Application reference: P776WPR Title number: WSX360655
Thank you ever so much for looking into this again.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Kirsty - from what I can see we’ve written to the conveyancer again today asking for more. The application can’t be completed as yet so the ball is back in their court. Hopefully they can respond quickly
Comment by Kirsty posted on
Thanks Adam, I’ll get in touch with them.
Comment by Kirsty posted on
Hi Adam - my conveyancer resubmitted the above application. Are you able to give any timescales for the merging of titles? Things are getting extremely tense between our chain. Many thanks.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Kirsty - they replied earlier this afternoon. It will be reconsidered ASAP and I will ask re timescale. But I can’t promise anything or magic an outcome for you. I’ll comment again once I have something to share
Comment by Kirsty posted on
Thanks Adam, your prompt response is much appreciated.
Comment by Kirsty posted on
Thank you Adam - your help is thoroughly appreciated.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Kirsty - we’ve managed to get the application over the finish line so it’s been completed this morning. I Hope matters can now move on for you.
Comment by Kirsty posted on
Adam, I can’t thank you and your colleagues enough for this. It is so appreciated.
Comment by A posted on
Hi, if a application has been made to expedite a application as the postcode Is incorrect how long should this take. I see your comment about getting the expedite approved is this a separate time scale to the 10 days? Also is this one of the simpler requests mentioned earlier that genuinely take less time
Comment by AdamH posted on
A - it is as any request has to be considered so there is invariably 2/3 days between someone asking and our being able to consider it.
Simple is very subjective and with a register update of very little relevance until the application is considered. If it is to update/amend the post code then it should be very simple to complete quickly once looked at by a caseworker.
So if it was say lodged on say the 9th Nov, expedited on 11th Nov I’d expect it to be considered and if 8n order completed by say the 17th Nov. But it’s all about it being lodged and expedited first to achieve such timescales
Comment by Jo Bennett posted on
Hi There, I am in process of selling my flat, I have just been informed via my solicitor that the land registry is incorrect - my old solicitors should have picked this up. I was wondering how long this would normally take? I am very worried my buyers might pull out of sale.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Jo - all depends what’s wrong, why and how they have raised it with us. Best case scenario in very general terms is 2 weeks. Worse case scenario is much longer. Suggest you check with solicitor for more specific details and timescales
Comment by Jo Bennett posted on
The whole block has been registered instead of just my flat. My solicitor is raising this today - but she said she has no idea of timescales.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Jo - many leasehold titles are mapped to show the whole block. The actual demise is in the lease itself. The register explains that and our Practice Guide section 8 adds more detail
I don’t know if that’s the concern or not but if it is you might want to refer them to the guidance?
Comment by Katie posted on
The exchange of the sale of our flat is being prevented by a delay in registering the sale of the other flat in our share of freehold (their sale completed in July 2020). The solicitor for the sale of other flat put in a request to expedite the freehold title transfer on 19th Oct but nothing has yet happened. Please could someone contact me to tell us how to get this done - our sale and a whole chain of sales in the chain above us are dependent on the quick update of this title register. Many thanks.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Katie - this is a blog so I’d suggest you use our Contact form to share the specifics and to query matters as appropriate. https://help.landregistry.gov.uk/app/contactus_general
If they requested 3xpedition a month ago and have heard nothing then it reads as if they used an unsupported channel. Maybe worth asking them to check if they requested it correctly as per section 3.2 of our guide
Comment by Katie posted on
Thanks AdamH
Comment by Steph G posted on
We are currently trying to purchase a property but it has come to light that the house name and number of the property on the title register differ to what is used by the local council, post office etc as the current owners started using a different house number for it. This has caused issues for us obtaining a mortgage offer for the property and it looks as though the name and number of the property may need to be changed on the title register. How long is this likely to take as this is the only thing now holding up the purchase? Is this just classed as an update to an existing register or as a new registration?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Steph G - 4/5 week wait as it’s an update. The local authority control postal addresses. If the conveyancer has applied to update the register to match and there’s an urgency then ask them to request expedition through their secure portal/Application enquiry with documentary evidence to confirm sale/purchase
Comment by Steph G posted on
Thank you Adam for your quick response. 🙂
Comment by Sharon O'Donnell posted on
Hi Adam, I bought my property on the 1st May this year, 4 Warbler Close PO8 9DU, I can't get much info from my conveyansor as to whether the register has been updated and when I can expect the deeds
Your help would be appreciated
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sharon - we’ve yet to receive an application so I’d assume there’s been some delay. You’ll need to pursue your conveyancer to clarify/confirm
Comment by Sharon O'Donnell posted on
Thank you Adam for quick reply
Comment by Gillian dixon posted on
Hi, I hope you can help. We are in the process of purchasing a property which is waiting for the registration to be completed. The owners moved in in January this year and their solicitor has aparently expedited the application. Could you see if there is any update please?
Also, it has just came to light that the TR1 form hasn’t been sent yet. Can you advise of how long these are taking to be processed at the moment please. We are 3 months in now and our buyer wants to move in.
The address is 7 Pine Grove, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE15 9DE
Comment by AdamH posted on
Gillian - it has been recently expedited but we can’t complete it as we are waiting on the conveyancer to reply to a matter raised in September. I’d suggest contacting them to clarify/confirm and ask them to get in touch through their secure portal channel
Comment by Gillian Dixon posted on
Would you have any rough timescales on processing the TR1 forms at the moment please Adam?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Gillian - 4/5 weeks wait time from being added to the system and then considered.
Comment by Gillian Dixin posted on
Thanks Adam
Comment by Gillian Dixon posted on
Hi Adam, could you check to see if there has been any progress with this case yet please?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Gillian - still waiting for a reply from solicitor re an issue raised in September by look of things
Comment by Shane posted on
Waiting on land registering on a house my aunt left me, 6 months on still waiting, can’t sell as we need this to go forward should we be waiting this long?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Shane - we do have a backlog of work so 6+ months is not unusual for some applications. If you’ve got a confirmed buyer then ask your conveyancer to request expedition to hurry things along
Comment by Anthony P posted on
Hi Adam,
I'm close to losing the sale of my property as when I bought it in 1992, my surname was registered wrongly as being spelt with an 'o' instead of the correct 'e'.
My solicitor should have corrected this in early September, but they're telling me that this request has still not been dealt with by HMLR.
When can I expect this to be done please?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Anthony P - there can only be a problem if it’s still waiting to be completed. Do you have the title number/our reference please? Or if not the postal address?
Comment by Anthony P posted on
Thanks for the prompt reply Adam, the Title Number is EX257417
Comment by AdamH posted on
Anthony P - we’ve not had an application against that title for 5 years so best to contact solicitor for clarification. If they’ve lodged something then ask them how and to confirm title number and our reference
Comment by Anthony P posted on
Thanks again Adam, will do
Comment by Vladimir posted on
Hi there,
where I can check at what stage documents updates in registry for purchase?
documents for updating submitted by the seller side , as they told more than 2 weeks ago.
And I was wondering how long this would take to finish it?
Your help would be appreciated
Comment by AdamH posted on
Vladimir - the conveyancer is best placed to check and advise on progress. They can check online using their secure portal and update you once completed or if delays occur.
If the application is to update an existing register the timescale is around 4/5 weeks
Comment by Vladimir posted on
thanks for quick response,
is it possible to check this without conveyancer?
because it was conveyancer from seller side.
& I even don`t know when they applied, as them must applied it in September. but when they did it, I don`t know.
my conveyancer waiting for updated land registry to finish purchase.
And I was wondering when it finished?
thank you
Comment by AdamH posted on
Vladimir - your own conveyancer can also check. But if you have the title number and case reference I can check
Comment by Vladimir posted on
title - EGL423245, 18 Tantony Grove, RM65NA
thank you.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Vladimir - we had an expedited application against that title submitted in October but that was cancelled and hasn’t been resubmitted as yet. I’d suggest pursuing it with the conveyancer for confirmation.
Comment by Vladimir posted on
Thank you very much.
Comment by Vladimir posted on
Hi Adam,
I just recieved email ,
that "this aplication was rejected to amend the boundary".
Without any information about it.
Can you tell me what is the reason?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Vladimir - the application was rejected as it was not in order as the plan was not to a suitable standard. My Home Move made the application so I’d suggest contacting them for the full details and advice on next steps
Comment by Tanya posted on
Hi iam awaiting my land registry to be registered on my mortgage. We are in the process of buying a selling. Can we still complete if it's not been done yet , and how long does it take roughly. It's been 3 weeks so far.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Tanya - when you complete is up to seller and buyer. Current timescales re a register update are 4/5 weeks. I’d suggest speaking to your conveyancer re timescales and options
Comment by Tanya posted on
Is there anything that can be done to get the land registry registered with mortgage if it comes down to the final hour and its not been done? Dont want to lose house chain.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Tanya - the solicitor can request expedition https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-useful-information-for-conveyancers-pg80/practice-guide-80-coronavirus-covid-19-useful-information-for-conveyancers#after-an-application-has-been-lodged
Comment by Tanya posted on
Thank you.
Comment by Norman Ash posted on
Hi. We completed the purchase of our house (already registered) on 29 May 2020. Our conveyancer insists that the application to transfer title has been made but nearly six months later we are still awaiting confirmation even though this is a straightforward case. She maintains that this wait is normal but this does not fit with your own published timescales. I am now very concerned that our purchase is not protected. Title number DY174052.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Norman - we still have the application so your purchase is protected. From the limited details I can access it seems it was processed back on 3rd August and we contacted the solicitor for more. We’ve not had a reply as yet.
This type of application normally takes 4/5 weeks so the 6 month delay the solicitor referred to isn’t one I recognise for this type of application. And it reads as if they didn’t get our request of the 3rd.
In circs I’d suggest you ask them to check their secure portal/Application enquiry to confirm and use View my application to check for the contact. If they can’t for any reason ask them to use the same channel to query and have it resent
Comment by Norman Ash posted on
Hello Adam. Following your advice I contacted our solicitor on 20th November and they informed me that they had provided the additional information that day, sending me a screen shot to confirm that it had been received in the portal. As we are now well past the three to four weeks expected to complete the registration can you update me on how this stands and whether the solicitor has actually provided what was needed? I appreciate that Christmas may have introduced some additional delay. Many thanks.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Norman - they did reply on the 20th but that was only to add the Transfer. We contacted them again on the 30th Nov but haven’t had a reply to that yet. Sorry
Comment by Norman Ash posted on
Thanks Adam. I'll get back on to them.
Comment by Norman Ash posted on
Adam, thank you for this prompt and helpful reply. I'll chase this up with the solicitor as suggested.
Comment by Maria posted on
My flat is part of a tyneside lease, and the freehold of my flat was not transferred over correctly to the owner of the downstairs flat when they bought it, so the sale of my flat is delayed until this has been corrected. Unfortunately this means the property chain I am in is about to collapse.
My solicitor has informed me that to correct the freehold that a TR1 form has to be completed, sent to the Land Registry and that it can be expedited.
Can I ask what the current time scale is for the TR1 form to be expedited?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Maria - expedition means that the application is usually considered within 2 weeks of it being expedited
Comment by Sacha5 posted on
Hi I wanted to ask how long it takes to process a TR1 at the moment which has been sent in by post along with the AP1 and ID1’s?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sacha- current wait times are around 4/5 weeks before it’s considered. Everything then hinges on it being in order and any wider checks completing promptly and without issues arising.
If you are lodging it yourself and there is an urgency then you should request expedition after you have lodged it
Comment by Flo Hayles posted on
Hi there,
I am chasing a land registry from two years ago and my house is now under offer. I notified my original conveyancer of the sale in September and they claim they have asked for it to be expedited but are very elusive about time scales. Can anyone confirm for me that the request is in for 3 Kingston Close, Wr136lz please?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Flo - we still have it but it can’t be completed as yet. We asked for more a while ago and whilst the conveyancer has provided some additional information we don’t have everything. We reminded them recently and await their response.
We can’t expedite an application which is incomplete and where we’ve asked for more as essentially once it’s got all the information it’s done ASAP anyway.
Suggest you pursue the matter with the conveyancer for confirmation re the outstanding point
Comment by Flo Hayles posted on
Thank you very much. You're so prompt and it's helped me know who to chase. Have a great day
Comment by Isabella posted on
Hello I completed on my house purchase on the 18th August and the conveyancer put the paperwork in straight away. I have checked this morning and the property is still registered to the old owners, when will the register be updated?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Isabella - if it was an already registered title then it should have been completed by now unless something was lacking/missing. Do you have the title number/case reference please?
Comment by Isabella posted on
Hi Adam I believe the HM registry reference is G153RMR. The solicitors put this change request through in August and the title number is ON137079. Can you see if an application has been made and when it will be completed? It’s a bit worrying that after three months the old owners are still on there.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Isabella - many thanks. So it was considered but was not in order. We asked for more and looks like we may have that now but yet to be reconsidered. I’ll see if I can get someone to check and advise for me. Please bear with me and I’ll comment again when I have that.
Comment by Sarah posted on
I’ve just submitted an expedited form for application WT220243. I’m holding up the chain for moving into a new house until I’m taken off this property. Any chance of an update of how long it will take please.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sarah - if expedition is approved that approval will confirm the timescale. Expedition means it should be considered within 2 weeks but invariably its within 1 week in reality.
Everything then hinges on it being in order of course including completion if wider checks as required
Comment by Sarah posted on
Thanks Adam but I still haven’t heard anything. It’s a TR1 form and really need it doing in the next week otherwise the house purchase will be delayed until January. Please could you see where it’s at in the system. Thanks
Comment by Lorraine Davies posted on
My partner (via his solicitor) requested to expedite his lease extension on Flat 16, Spencer Court, Lemon Grove, Bordon GU35 9BD last month.The original lease extension was sent to Land Registry in May/June time. We needed it expedited because we are currently unable to remortgage this property, releasing the money to buy another property. I've just spoken to our estate agents and the whole chain is now waiting on us and this lease extension. The only information I am getting from the solicitor is that it's still in progress. Can you please give us any kind of indication when it will be complete? Thank you so much.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Lorraine - from the limited details I can access it appears we are still waiting for more details from the conveyancer. We contacted them on 16th Oct and whilst they replied quickly there is an outstanding matter they need to resolve with the freeholder. You’ll need to check/confirm specifics with the conveyancer to understand timescales
Comment by Lorraine posted on
Thankyou Adam for such a swift response. We will chase the solicitor about this immediately. The flat is a leasehold, freehold (my partner owns 1/16th of the freehold) is there someone we can contact directly at the Land Registry to confirm the specifics of what is needed for this to be resolved? Kind regards.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Lorraine - I’m afraid not. You need to rely on the conveyancer here re specific details and the6 can advise on timescales also
Comment by Lorraine posted on
Hi Adam, (ref SB0D5D6)
We've just spoken to the conveyancer and she insists that all requested information has been provided to the Land Registry and has provided us with a reply to requisition document which states that all the files have been certified. There must be a miscommunication somewhere along the lines with this. Is there anyway that you can get a colleague to do look into this further?? Apparently she says she has been in touch with the land registry on 29/10, 5/11 & 13/11 and not had any further clarification on the status of this.
Thanks for all your support in this matter.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Lorraine - you may be right but the only comms with the actual application is dated 29th Oct and that states they were contacting the freeholder for help
Looks like they contacted us on 5th Nov to query progress and received an auto response. Did the same thing on 13th and again today. Each time they’ve asked for a progress update and received the same auto reply advising on current delays.
I’ll ask a colleague to contact them to remind them of what they said on the 29th and ask them to reply through their secure portal
Hopefully that will resolve any misunderstanding/miscommunication
Comment by Lorraine posted on
Adam, thankyou so so much for all your help regarding this. We truly appreciate it! Kind regards,
Comment by B posted on
Hi Adam H,
A solicitor submitted a transfer of title on behalf of my mother to be transferred to her after my Father's death(he solely owned the property, my mother being the sole beneficiary), he stated the paperwork had been sent off over a month ago however on doing a search on the property there still seems to be no application number or confirmation land registry have received this
Is there a backlog for this type of work or should we have a reference number by now? Is there a timescale for us to get a reference number to know it has been received?
My mother is waiting on an operation and medical treatment so we are keen to get this resolved as soon as possible.
Many thanks,
Comment by AdamH posted on
B - the wait time is around 4/5 weeks at present. The lodging solicitor can check and confirm progress online. And check for a case reference. If there’s an urgency they can request expedition through their secure portal.
Comment by B posted on
Hi Adam,
When logging onto the land registry site there is still no application reference number against the title so I am growing increasingly concerned/anxious that the application has not reached land registry/has been lost, this was sent around October by the solicitor dealing
Is there a delay in getting these onto the system to produce the reference/application number or should I assume it has been lost and it needs to be resent?
This is in reference to my first comment on B posted on on 27 November 2020
Any help much appreciated,
Thanks B
Comment by AdamH posted on
B - no delay but I wouldn’t assume anything. What’s the solicitor confirmed? What’s the postal address?
Comment by B posted on
Hi Adam
Solicitor confirmed all documentation and forms were sent off in October.
The address is 37 Meadow Rd, Dagenham RM9 5PR.
I have access to land registry through my job so I can see there are no outstanding applications on application view which is why I am concerned.
Comment by AdamH posted on
B - nothing has been submitted against that title for some time and nothing received from October onwards either
Comment by DK posted on
I have been waiting have since June for my Title deed to be amended and need it changing very soon as it could have Tax implications for myself and my partner. What can I do to get this resolved as I could end up paying more taxes when I don't have to?
Comment by AdamH posted on
DK - check with your conveyancer re progress and if it’s still waiting ask them to request expedition. They should know how to do that
Comment by Tom posted on
Hi, would you be able to advise roughly on the current timescale for applications for first registration of development land - is the 46 working days average as stated on your service standards page still accurate? I appreciate you cannot give a definitive answer, particularly as there may always be requisitions, but is the average wait as stated still your current best estimate? Or is there an updated average? Thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Tom - the averages are I’m afraid now out of date. First registrations are waiting 6+ months at present before being considered. That + can stretch to a few months as well at times.
Comment by Tom posted on
Thanks Adam - are requests to expedite still being considered and do you know the average time for these requests to be approved? And, if approved, what impact that will have on the timescale of the application?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Tom - they are; they are generally considered within 5 days; and if expedited an application is considered within 10 days
Comment by Laura posted on
Hi Adam
I was wondering if you can help me get an update on a transfer of title that has been requested for the freehold of my flat; The title number is: TY122996.
It would be greatly appreciated, as the property chain I am in is about to collapse.
Thank you
Comment by AdamH posted on
Laura - the application was expedited on the 7th so hopefully it will be considered this week
Comment by Laura posted on
Thank you for the quick reply!
Have a good day ?
Comment by Gail P posted on
Hi Adam
Last month you kindly advised that Land Registry had received our details back in January (sorry I cannot find that post again now).
Having now agreed a sale on our property, the previous and current solicitors have confirmed that they have put in a request to expedite the registration and I was hoping if you could initially confirm receipt of this request and provide and indication on the timescale for this to be actioned Ref No: LAN231715.
Many thanks Gail
Comment by AdamH posted on
Gail - a request to expedite has been submitted and now approved, today. Timescales quote that it should be considered within 2 weeks.
I should stress that there a prior applications against the seller’s title which may imapact on speed of service but the conveyancer can track progress online for you
Comment by GailP posted on
Hi Adam
Many thanks for the update. Could you please explain what is meant when you say that "there are prior applications against the seller’s title which may impact on speed of service" Many thanks Gail
Comment by AdamH posted on
GailP - when a developer starts selling plots for example they come in over time. Those lodged first can impact/delay those that come later
Comment by GailP posted on
Hi Adam, would it be possible to please have an update on our expedited application Ref No: LAN231715 and if it is now or near completion - Many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
GailP - it was processed on the 15th but wasn’t in order so we asked the solicitor for more information. Looks like they’ve replied today so it will go back to a caseworker to be reconsidered ASAP
Comment by Gina smith posted on
Our solicitor has put an application for possessory title on LA854639 and asked for it to be expedited as it came to light late in the sale that the garden is leasehold and it’s holding it up. How long does it normally take? The owners have owned the house since 1999 but apparently the garden still shows as leased
Comment by AdamH posted on
Gina - expedition means it should be considered ASAP. However if it involves a claim as to ownership there a number of stages and checks which have to usually take place and those will take time, usually several weeks.
You’ll have to rely on the process but more so on your conveyancer for timescales and progress
Comment by Gina posted on
Thanks for your quick response, the solicitor they used when they bought the property missed it out but the owner has sent you proof he bought the garden as he had paperwork thanks
Comment by Gina smith posted on
Hi Adam have you any update on BB9 9QP for the extra land, it was expedited 3 weeks ago and just wondered if it has been looked at please.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Gina - still with us and the new details provided by solicitor have been referred to a senior officer to consider. They will decide if it can be completed or if more is needed. And that will be ASAP as it is expedited
Comment by Gina posted on
Fantastic thanks
Comment by Tania posted on
Hi my parents changed the title deeds on a property they own into my name in June this year. Form TR1 was completed and the exchange was done by a solicitor. When I search the register the title still states their names. Is there a backlog due to Covid -19? Or do I need to be worried?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Tania - Covid has had a significant impact so whilst nothing to worry about I’d suggest you ask the conveyancer to check on progress and confirm title number, case reference and timescales for you.
Whilst some types of application don’t wait too long others may be subject to longer delays like this
Comment by Tania posted on
Thanks Adam that's helpful.
Comment by Laura posted on
Hi Adam,
We've not heard anything yet.
Would it be possible to advise us if your colleagues came back to you on this?
Thank you
Comment by AdamH posted on
Laura - the application is still waiting to be progressed. I’m advised that there can be a 8/9 month wait in such cases. So if there’s no urgency you’ll need to bear with us
If there is then the expedition option is available if there is an urgency
Comment by penny posted on
I have put in a leasehold extension for my propery via my solicitor who submitted the forms in May 2020 and my neighbour who used the same solicitor in Jan 2020. Neither of us has heard anything. The solicitor has had no update either. Please could you tell me how long these thing are taking.
Comment by ianflowers posted on
Penny - this type of application which requires the creation of a new register are currently taking up to 9 months to process, with some taking longer than this. There will also be a delay if the application(s) is not order and we need to raised queries with the solicitors acting. If your solicitor is signed up to our business e-services they can request an update electronically.
Comment by penny posted on
Thank you very much Ian. That's useful to know.
Comment by Sarah posted on
My grandmother has transferred ownership of her flat to myself and my mother. The documents were signed and sent to the land registry in October and we are waiting for them to be delivered to the solicitor.
Do we own the flat before the document has been sent back to the solicitor? The transfer deeds have been signed by all parties. I’m just not sure when we actually own it from.
Many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sarah - technically the legal ownership is not changed in law until registered. However it will be registered from the date we received it as the change is protected in law from the moment it’s received by us.
It usually makes little difference how long it takes from receipt to registration. But if there is a reason then it all depends on what that is as in some cases you can proceed whilst it’s waiting to be completed
Comment by Kerry posted on
We are in the process of buying a previously sold house from a local house building company, our solicitors searches have come back and it’s been discovered that the registered owner on the title is still showing as the old owner (not the house building company). Are you able to see anything your end that suggests a request has been put in to get this amended, we are unable to proceed with the purchase until this has been sorted. Property address is 13 Lurkins Crescent, Norwich, NR7 8FD.
Many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Kerry - we had an application submitted in September. We requested more in October but dot appear to have had a reply as yet from the solicitor. I’d suggest you check with your conveyancer for an update
Comment by CharleneD posted on
I think that Land Registry employees and management are plain lazy. There are no consequences for failure in their jobs. There is no liability for causing loss to buyers and sellers. Nobody ever gets fired in your organisation.
Your job is very far from requiring any brain power. It's simple data entry and paper shuffling.
I do not appreciate any difficulties that you have had due to lockdown because so many banks, medical professionals, retailers and others have continued to work efficiently during the pandemic.
My solicitor submitted my SDLT5 to register my house on 7 May 2020 with a letter requesting expedition because I have a developer that bought the neighbouring house and wants to buy mine. It is now 14 December 2020 and we have still had no response from Land Registry. My buyer is now threatening to pull out because he has had enough of waiting while we cannot even do searches or draft a contract until the Land Registration comes back.
How can the UK property market operate at all if it is at the mercy of public sector dinosaurs that only work when they are in the mood?
Comment by AdamH posted on
CharleneD - apologies for such a delayed publication and response. Can you provide the specific details re the delayed matter please?
I can assure you that in my 40 years of working with HMLR colleagues laziness is not a common characteristic. There are consequences and there is liability provided by the indemnity we provide as a registration authority. People rarely get fired as they don’t do as suggested and their work is not consistently poor enough to justify it.
Much of what we do can appear simple and straightforward but brain power is certainly an essential as it’s not simple data entry and paper shuffling is impossible as much of the work is done online and digitally. And for older ones like me that takes a lot of brain power I can assure you.
Appreciating any difficulties we have had due to lockdown is purely subjective but like many others we have certainly felt the impact and will continue to do so for some while yet as the pandemic is far from over. We haven’t been able to work as effectively as we would like but we have managed to keep the services essential for keeping the conveyancing/lending processes going. And also importantly process urgent applications when we have been made aware of that urgency through a specific and supported channel.
If your solicitor requested expedition with their application then I’m afraid it won’t have been spotted. Due to the impact of Covid we have not been checking every application on receipt but focusing on essential and identified as urgent applications whilst also processing as many other applications as possible.
Comment by Larry Buttle posted on
Hi Adam,
So sorry to have to bother you again, but hopefully you can shed some light on an ongoing situation? I was last in contact with you August into September this year, regarding the amending and updating of the title deeds of 156 Kathleen Road, Southampton, SO19 8 LN. This had been a very protracted process but you kindly made enquiries and were able to smooth the pathway for us. Unfortunately we lost that buyer, but have another and during the document signing stage, I noticed that my middle name of Philip was spelt wrongly as Phillip. After reviewing it, my solicitor said that the application process was correct but it had come back from the Land registry in Mach with the error and wasn’t noticed until now. They sent off this latest info. to LR on 9th December, with a request to correct the error and asked to expedite. The number they gave me was 201209 - 004311. Upon contacting them today, I am told that “this takes more than 24 hours and we don’t know when it will be done!” After losing 2 sales already, I am not happy with the vagueness of this response, so I hope you can understand why I am asking if you are able to please clarify the position from your end?
Thank you and regards, Larry Buttle.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Larry - they actually applied to correct the name on the 8th December. The reference quoted is a follow up enquiry re that application.
The spelling was registered as per the application submitted as the Assent (form AS1) provided the double ‘l’ spelling. I’ll flag it with colleagues to get it going ASAP
Comment by AdamH posted on
Larry - the register has been updated. We’ve also updated the second and freehold title as well
Comment by Larry Buttle posted on
Hi Adam,
Please accept my apologies for needing to contact you yet again regarding the ongoing sale (over a year now) of 156 Kathleen Road, Sholing, Southampton.
SO2 8LN.
The position now is that contracts are nearly ready to be exchanged but are being held up by the buyers solicitors requiring a restricting clause to be removed from the title deed prior to sale, to allow for an ‘open’ sale. To that end, my solicitors, Knight Polson, 2-4 Leigh Road, Eastleigh, Hants. SO50 9FH, have previously submitted a signed ST5 form. They inform me today that their portal is just showing as received.
Would it please be possible for me to ask for you help to now get this expedited? and hopefully allow this matter to move forward?
Many thanks for any assistance, advice or information you are able to give,
Kind regards,
Larry Buttle.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Larry - we have an application from 15th Jan (HP449545) but they requested expedition as part of the submission and that won’t have been seen
I’ll flag with colleagues to get it moving ASAP and hopefully, if it’s all in order, it can move on quickly
Comment by Emma Mcdonough posted on
Hi, I completed on a property purchase in June 2020 but been advised by my solicitor that although the application to register the sale has been submitted it has not been completed yet. Can you provide me with an update please? Title Number is CH676590
Comment by AdamH posted on
Emma - we’ve still got it and looks as if the solicitor hasn’t dealt with all the points we raised with them back on 10th August. Might be worth asking them to check and clarify. They should be able to access the details using their secure portal and if unsure contact us through the same channel
Comment by Emma Mcdonough posted on
Hi Adam, thank you for your prompt response. I spoke to a colleague of yours earlier today and I have re-contacted my solicitor and asked them to follow this up. Once all the queries are dealt with could you please advise how long registration is likely to take?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Emma - hopefully within a few working days. Please rely on the solicitor to track progress for you from here on rather than contacting us through more than one channel. I know you want to know what’s happening but your solicitor can do that for you from here
Comment by Emma Mcdonough posted on
Thanks again
Comment by Emma Mcdonough posted on
Hi Adam, I have chased this with my solicitors who have stated they did not receive your request for further details and would ask for a copy. Can you confirm this has now been done? Thank you
Comment by AdamH posted on
Emma - looks like they contacted us on 17th and 18th through different channels. They were then re sent the previous request which they appear to have then replied to. So it now needs to be reconsidered to see if it can be completed
Comment by Salli Hammil posted on
Hello, can you tell me if a property transfer - (new certificate) is dated from when The Land Registry receives the application? Or when all the extra problems are resolved ( extra stuff that delays it .... restrictions on the title etc )
Comment by AdamH posted on
Salli - the Transfer (TR1) is dated following completion re the sale/purchase. It’s then submitted with us and the new edition of the register is dated, once completed, with the date we receive that application
Comment by Salli Hammil posted on
Thanks Adam, So our TR1 was dated in September, my husband adding my name to the property so we own it jointly. However Land Registry have sent a letter with a few problems, a restriction on the lease, and with the delays I am worried I can't get the transfer finished by 31st Dec which was my target. However as the TR1 was dated September, does this mean that once these problems are resolved I am still the legal joint owner from September?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Salli - everything needs to be completed re registration but once it is the register will refer to the date we received the application. That means you will be regarded as joint legal owners from that date
Comment by Darren posted on
Hello, we put in an expedition request today (which was granted) as our buyer's solicitor would not exchange until our application to register our remortgage has been processed. Can you tell us please how long expeditions are currently taking? Our title number is AGL452735. Thank you!
Comment by AdamH posted on
Darren - it’s already been processed but it’s incomplete. We’ve contacted the conveyancer for more this morning so the timescale is reliant on them now as we need the existing lender to remove their legal charge
Comment by Darren posted on
Thanks Adam we will chase ASAP!
Comment by Kate Bristow posted on
I just wanted to say a big thank you to Peter Benson at HMLR, who really went out of his way to expedite an application for us, enabling us to exchange yesterday.please could you pass my thanks on?
Wishing everyone at HMLR a merry Christmas.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Kate - many thanks for sharing and I will let Peter know. Merry Christmas to you as well and I trust things can now move forward re the property
Comment by AdamH posted on
Kate - I passed on your kind words to Peter and you made his day and he’s glad he was able to help made a difference. Thank you for that as it’s made my day too now knowing his efforts were appreciated
Comment by Beer Klongklaew posted on
Hello, I'm currently in the process of buying a house and my solitior found that the seller's middle name have been misspelled in the land registry, so we are now having to wait until it is amended so we can exchange contract, please can you let me know how long does the seller have to wait to get his name amended, is there a backlog on this type of work? I'm concerned that we going to have to start the mortgage process again since the offer is expire end of Jan 2021, was taking 3 months just to get an offer with the lender already.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Beer - there’s a wait time of 4/5 weeks so if they’ve applied then they need to ask for it to be expedited. Contact the conveyancer and ask them to confirm they’ve done that and ask for title number and case reference. Or get your conveyancer to ask.
If you do that then end of Jan shouldn’t be an issue if it’s all in order
Comment by Char posted on
Hi Adam,
We are currently in the process of buying a house that was previously sold as three houses at auction (all three houses are showing as one plot of land in the registry) So the land registry is currently showing as all three houses when it needs to be split into 3.
Will this hold up the sale of the house should it not be amended please?
One of the other houses was sold in feb 2020 and apparently an application is with yourselves but we don’t have the information on this. Any help is appreciated
Comment by AdamH posted on
Char - no and no. When you buy you each buy part and your purchases then cause the title to be split as each part is registered under a new title.
Comment by Martin posted on
I am about to sell a property I inherited 6 years ago. The solicitors who dealt with the estate administration omitted to re-register the property title at the Land Registry into my name. Hence it is still in the name of the previous, deceased, owner. How will this affect my impending sale? Does the transfer have to be enacted before any sale can go through? If so, how quickly can this be done? Thanks.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Martin - if the deceased was the sole owner then the executor can transfer/sell it so very much up to your buyer
Comment by Martin posted on
Thank you for your prompt response (and this excellent blog!). I'm afraid I simplified the issue, perhaps unhelpfully. The property belongs to a trust. One of the trustees died. The other retired but is available to enact a transfer. I am one of the new trustees, so we have trust deeds which should satisfy any prospective buyer that we are the current legal owners. Are you saying the property can be sold/transferred directly to the new buyer, meaning the intervening owners - the new trustees - will be omitted from the register? Or would 2 transfers be applied for and enacted simultaneously: old trustees to new trustees to new buyer?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Martin - it is possible for registered trustees to appoint new ones and transfer all in the one form of transfer. However you really need to be looking at the specific details here with a conveyancer to understand what’s possible. General Qs get general answers and the devil is always in the actual detail
Comment by Martin posted on
Just to be absolutely clear, are you saying that as far as the Land Registry is concerned, there is no requirement for the register to be complete, and thus accurate? So if 'B' inherits a house from 'A' but the new ownership is never registered, then years later 'B' sells to 'C', a transfer from 'A' to 'C' can be registered without 'B's ownership ever being recorded?
Separate question: how long are registration of transfers currently taking to process?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Martin - the register is complete as a property/the legal title forms part of the deceased’s estate until transferred. The death is factual, sadly, but until the estate and therefore legal ownership is dealt with the register can remain as is. This can be quite common in families where someone lives in a property and inherits. They are not the registered legal owner though until the executor transfers it to them.
Updates to an existing register are waiting around 4 weeks currently but I would allow 5/6 as timescales, when dealing with tens of thousands of applications will vary
Comment by Martin posted on
Dear AdamH, I should have said I am asking if there is a requirement for the register to be historically complete - ie does every previous owner of a property have to have been registered. So my question remains pertinent. Is it the case that if 'B' acquires a house from 'A' but the new ownership is never registered, and years later 'B' sells to 'C', a transfer from 'A' to 'C' can be registered without 'B's ownership ever being recorded at the Land Registry? Or does the register have to show transfers between A & B, and B & C? This isn't entirely hypothetical - knowing will help us decide whether to apply to register the A to B transfer immediately before selling the property and then register the B to C transfer, or, aim to sell it first and if successful then apply to register the A to C transfer. These are not decisions to be taken lightly. Expense aside, the applications take time and effort.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Martin - if A transfers to B and B doesn’t register it then A remains as the legal owner. If A then transfers to C and C registers it then the legal ownership goes from A to C.
The register will only show A and then C as that’s all that’s been applied for and registered
Legal ownership is not an issue of expense, time and effort. Legal ownership isn’t hypothetical
Comment by GailP posted on
Hi Adam
You have very kindly kept us up to date on our expedited application Ref No: LAN231715. Could you please advise if it is now or near completion - Many thanks and happy new year to you,
Comment by AdamH posted on
Gail - it was incomplete but the solicitor provided more just before Christmas. It’s now back with a caseworker to be reconsidered so hopefully that will be this week
Comment by GailP posted on
Thanks for the update Adam, very much appreciated
Comment by Amanda G posted on
Hi Adam,
We spoke to you at the end of November about the property we are purchasing 143 Broad Lane OL16 4PG. You were able to expedite the registration, however we understand that some information about the land wasn't included in the application and the vendor solicitor has made a further submission on the 18th December. Could we check whether this is also being expedited as we are concerned about our mortgage offer expiring. Many thanks Amanda
Comment by AdamH posted on
Amanda - from the limited details I can access it seems we wrote to the solicitor on the 24th asking them to resubmit certain deeds so we could consider their request. I can’t see a response as yet from them
Comment by Amanda G posted on
Thanks once again Adam for your very prompt response, we will flag with our solicitor.
Comment by Amanda G posted on
Hi Adam, the vendor solicitor has said they submitted the outstanding information on Monday 4th Jan. Many thanks Amanda
Comment by AdamH posted on
Amanda G - understood and it can take a few days for post to appear in our systems due to Covid impact.
Comment by Amanda G posted on
Thanks for your help Adam, really appreciate this blog.
Comment by Sally Noseda posted on
We have owned a piece of land for decades but it was never registered when we sold off the house separately and retained the land. We applied for first registration on 4th September 2020 and you have added the land to the list of properties on that postcode but with no further information. We appreciate that Covid-19 is continuing to cause you problems but we are getting quite anxious about this. We believe that the next door neighbour, who has already tried to take over the land, will possibly put their house on the market and include our land with it. Your ref is WT453687/FF6EC37. Please can you advise us?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sally - we still have it and it’s waiting to be processed. It’s unlikely to be considered for a few months yet but that shouldn’t be a worry if you have legally taken possession of the land.
If the neighbour includes the land in any sale the buyer will carry out checks and those will confirm your application is already with us and therefore has priority. They won’t proceed to complete on their purchase until your claim and registration is resolved
Comment by Sally posted on
Thank you for your quick reply, Adam. We're looking forward to getting it sorted ASAP. Thanks.
Comment by Sally Noseda posted on
Hi Adam, I'm sorry but I've just re-read your reply more carefully. You mention having possession. When we moved away some years ago, the neighbour removed the hedge and trees which were our boundary and used our garden. We wrote several times, Inc solicitor's letters, but they ignored us. Now we've moved back to Wiltshire and will be using our garden. But we want to have all correct legal docs with us when we go there and have potentially difficult discussion. We also think they've built a garage partly on our land but we need to check this with our deeds and title plan. We can't go yet because of lockdown but is there any way that our application can be approved as soon as possible to help with this please?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sally - you can request expedition and provide details as to why you need it to be considered urgently. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-impact-on-hm-land-registrys-services#expedite
Comment by Sally posted on
Thanks Adam. I followed the link but think that process is probably only available to conveyancers? I submitted an online contact form but it didn't allow for any text to be put in so I'm not sure how it will request expedition. I appreciate that it's not holding up any house sale but it is delaying our ability to resolve our issues.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sally - you submit the form using the appropriate expedite option. You then reply to the reply with evidence to confirm the urgency as appropriate
Comment by Sally Noseda posted on
Thank you, Adam. I hadn't realised that was the process. I appreciate your help.
Comment by Danny posted on
Hi, we purchased our house and completed on November 4th, the house is still registered in the previous owners names, how long is this process taking to change the deeds over to our names? Our solicitor has said she will let us know when it’s done and can’t do anything more. We are wanting to do something that requires a check to be made on our property that we are the legal owners and this is holding it up.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Danny - if it was already registered then the wait time is around 5/6 weeks. Your solicitor can check on progress. And if there’s an urgency they can request expedition
Comment by Danny posted on
Hi, many thanks for the quick reply, the property is 32 years old so will be registered as it’s not a new one, it is still in the previous owners names as of today and our solicitor says they can’t hurry along the process with yourselves. Overall it’s probably been 9/10 weeks since we completed and moved in, would there be any way of you perhaps checking to see what is happening if we should have had this done by now? Many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Danny - what’s the title number?
Comment by Danny posted on
Hi, I don’t appear to have the title number, but the address is 3 Little Meadow, Great Oakley, Northants, NN18 8JN
Comment by AdamH posted on
Danny - the application was lodged on 4th December so it should be considered shortly. If it’s in order then it’s completed at the same time.
Comment by Banny posted on
I purchased a new built apartment and completion took place in July 2020. My solicitor the submitted for property registration from that time and until now we still have not had any updates at all. I understand Covid is causing many delays in processing the application but read through the comments on here it seems like the Land Registry is still working on the backlog. This seems taking too long and I am worrying so much because until I received the land registration documents the process is not really classified as complete
Comment by AdamH posted on
Nanny - we do have a backlog and I’m afraid it’s likely to be some months still before we process it. But you should not worry.
You completed on the purchase and became the owner back in July. Whilst it does have to be registered your ownership and the application are protected. There really is nothing for you to worry about and whilst this maybe tricky at this difficult time for all enjoy your new home and just wait to hear from your solicitor once it’s been registered.
Comment by Banny posted on
Hello Adam
Thank you for your prompt response. This really helps to clear my concerns.
Hopefully I will receive some good news soon.
King regards
Comment by George posted on
We have been waiting to exchange and complete since october 2020 and have handed in notice as completion was set for 22nd jan 2020. But have received a reply from sellers solicitors saying -
" We have sent an updated bulk certificate for approval with the LR. We will forward across the approval letter as soon as received."
Do you know how long it takes to approve a bulk certificate?
Property in relation is plot 8, kingswood , poynton, sk12 1ds, will be 14 peterfield way , sk12 1bd.
Comment by AdamH posted on
George - the term is not a familiar one to me but I suspect they are referring to a change to their development plan. If so then approvals are fairly quick but as always that depends on it being in order.
Comment by George posted on
This is relation to Restriction entry B3 on title CH678266.
Our solicitor says it will prevent future sale of the property. The developers solicitor have agreed to amend this by sending an amendment of a bulk certificate to prevent the restriction being carried forward unto out title register after sale.
Their solicitor says it is awaiting approval , do you know if it has been reviewed or does it need expediting ?
I hope this makes sense thanks very much .
Comment by AdamH posted on
George - it makes sense to a degree but which is your plot?
Comment by George posted on
Plot 8 , kingswood. To be 14 Peterfield way sk12 qbd.
Comment by AdamH posted on
George - many thanks. Plot 8 shows as being in an approved list so I’m assuming it’s all ok. If the solicitor has any doubts then they need to get in touch through their normal contact channel
Comment by Sarah posted on
We are waiting for an update to the title. We are buying the property and the seller's solicitor has said that the title needs to include the owner's middle name (which is missing on the title) before we can exchange. Can you let me know how long we are likely to be waiting for the name to be updated on the title?
Thanks, Sarah
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sarah - wait times are around 4/5 weeks at present
Comment by Sarah posted on
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Could you let me know if the request has been expedited or if that is something I need to (/can) ask the sellers to ask their solicitor to do?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sarah - it was lodged on 17th and not expedited. They can request same as you mention. Post code ends 7LU in our records
Comment by Sarah posted on
Thanks so much for your help, Adam. You are correct, I typed the postcode wrong. Is there a way that you could delete/amend my comment so the address isn't shown? Many thanks.
Comment by Iwona posted on
Hello Adam,
I’ve read almost all the questions and your brilliant answers! Hope you can help me too.
We are in the process of buying a property the address is 9 Abbey Road, WV14 6PS Bilston.
It’s been over two months now and the solicitors are unable to start the whole process as still waiting for the “title register” and “title plan” (so we’ve been told). Can you please let me know how long will it take? We are in hurry as completing after end of March means very high stamp duty which we can’t afford.
Many thanks in advance
Comment by AdamH posted on
Iwona - it was lodged in June but the wait times are currently around 9+ months. It has very recently been expedited though as the conveyancer requested that.
As such it will be considered ASAP and both your conveyancer and the seller’s can track progress online
Comment by Iwona posted on
Hello Adam, thank you for your previous reply. Could you please check what is the progress currently on the property I mentioned before?
Many many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Iwona - looks like the conveyancer has replied to our latest request for more so the application has been referred to consider again. As it’s expedited that will happen ASAP so please bear with us
Comment by Edward posted on
Hi Adam,
Reading through the comments I have been very impressed by the speed of responses to address concerns so hopefully you can help me.
My mother in law is remortgaging her flat to release capital for another transaction. The urgency is that this needs to complete otherwise the rest of the chain is at risk of collapsing in c.10 days time when completion dates are due.
The mortgage offer has been received but there is a private restriction on the title deeds that BM Solutions (the lender) have only just notified us that needs to be removed.
"(03.01.2008) RESTRICTION: No disposition of the registered estate is to
be registered without a certificate signed by the applicant for
registration or his conveyancer that written notice of the disposition
was given to XXX at XXX."
Our solicitors submitted on 7 Jan the RX4 and supporting consent letter from the individual (previous owner) who is happy for the restriction to be deleted. The solicitors have also requested this to be expedited due to the impact of other transactions.
I have a stressed family so could you let me know if this has been addressed and I can inform Enact to move forward? The title deed is TGL204200 and the property is First and Second Floor Maisonette, 147 Harbut Road, London, SW11 2RD.
If this could be chased I would be exceptionally grateful. If you need any more details please let me know.
Thank you,
Comment by AdamH posted on
Edward - the application was completed and the register updated over the weekend. So you should be able to move matters on now
Comment by Edward posted on
Thank you Adam I can confirm. Very impressive turnaround in the circumstances. Appreciate the follow up
Comment by Sarah posted on
Do you know when the land registry will update it’s sold house prices. Nearly half the houses are sold and moved into but there have been no updates since December 2020! St Legers Way and Ragmoor Close in Riseley RG7.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sarah - timescales can vary but with current delays due in part to Covid there will be an impact I’m afraid. If you have a specific concern then please use our contact form
Comment by david temple posted on
We sent off first registration documents (and cheque was cashed) in January 2020 for my mother in law. We also sent off first registration docs (again cheque was cashed) for mum in April (after death of dad in February). We have heard nothing on either application. We appreciate that first registrations are bottom of the priority list, but please can you give some indication of when things might get processed? "We have no idea, it could be years" would do, At least we would know.
Comment by AdamH posted on
David - can you give me an address or title number/case reference please and I’ll do my best?
Comment by David Temple posted on
Hi Adam,
Addresses were
For Mrs W J Nicholson for Badgers, Roman Road, Chilworth, Southampton, SO16 7HG
For Mrs G Temple, (and 3 others, AD, R and J Temple) for 20 Church Street Holbeach, Lincs PE12 7LL, and 46 Fleet Road, Holbeach, Lincs, PE12 8LA. There was also a transfer from joint to single owner (Mrs G Temple) for Land behind 20 Church Street Holbeach,PE12 7LL.
Comment by AdamH posted on
David - many thanks. Badgers (title HP844976) - it looks like this one was processed to the final stage last week. It now has to be completed, printed and everything issue. Unfortunately that can take extra time due to Covid but the solicitors should hear from us shortly
20 Church Street (title LL399505) and 46 Fleet Road (unallocated as yet) and the land at rear of 20 (title LL189395) was submitted in June and is waiting to be processed. It may be several weeks yet before it is.
The first application was submitted by a firm of solicitors so they should have received an acknowledgment. Likewise you with the second application which wasn’t added to our systems until 1st June
I should stress that first registrations are not bottom of the priority list although they are incredibly difficult to handle and process in bulk at present due to the restrictions imposed by Covid and keeping our people safe.
So the January application should be sorted shortly. The later ones may be another 2/3 months depending on a number of factors.
I appreciate not knowing can be stressful and apologies for that. But hopefully now you know you will bear with us a bit longer. Thank you
Comment by Paul posted on
Hello Adam
Happy New Year! .. you have been so helpful in sharing information with us about the status of our application and I am so grateful for that. You told us on the 16 December that you further information had been requested from the solicitors and so I wondered if there was any other update as yet as to where things are up to now, as we are getting quite desperate and worried that the buyers of our house may pull out. the address is 25 Hesketh Meadow Lane, lowton, Warrington, Wa32ah
Kind regards
Comment by AdamH posted on
Paul - nothing received as yet and waiting on a reply. Our request for more information was issued to the lender involved but I would recommend you deal with the solicitor involved if you need to move matters on
Comment by David Temple posted on
Thanks for the update, it is very reassuring for anxious mothers and mothers in law to know that things are progressing behind the scenes and have not been lost.
Comment by Sandra Eaton posted on
Our purchase of a property is being held up because the seller's application to register a grant of easement has not yet been completed. We are told that LR has advised timescales of 8-10 months. Are these timescales realistic ? How might an application to expedite affect them?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sandra - an application to update the register to grant an easement would wait around 5/6 weeks on average. If the application was to create a new title then 8-10 months is the wait time
Expedition means the wait time on either is reduced to 2 weeks or less from date of expedition.
The key is that it reduces the wait time before it’s considered. If it’s then not in order the wait time will vary depending on what’s needed to put it right
Comment by Sandra Eaton posted on
So, if I understand you correctly, since the application is limited to registration of a Deed of Grant against a registered title, the 8-10 months' waiting time would appear to be a red herring?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sandra - put like then yes but transfers of part/ new leases can often grant easements so some clarity might be sought from whoever is advising re such a timescale
Comment by Sandra Eaton posted on
The suggested timescale came from the seller's estate agent. Based on your advice today, it would seem that an expedited registration would enable us to complete before 31st March, so we have sought the advice of our solicitor.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sandra - estate agents are rarely part of the conveyancing process once a sale/purchase has been set in motion. So any timescale they might refer to May include a much earlier starting point, hence the timescale quoted. Your solicitor will have a different understanding/awareness I suspect
Comment by Sandra Eaton posted on
Thank you
Comment by Owen posted on
Hi Adam,
We are in the process of selling our home but unfortunately a change to the land registry has been requested by our buyer’s lender, as it currently doesn’t reflect the details of a court order that was made after a dispute between our two neighbours, regarding an alleyway that runs alongside our property (back in 2017).
We have been told that our Solicitor has requested the that the registry is amended, and has asked for this to be expedited as the sale of our home hinges on it. What sort of timeframe would you expect this change to be made in?
It’s incredibly frustrating, as we had nothing to do with the dispute, and this change should have been made over three years ago, but now our sale is in the balance because it wasn’t actioned!
Really appreciate any assistance on this.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Owen - expedition reduces the wait time before it’s considered to under 2 weeks. Everything then hinges on it being in order as to how quickly it’s then done
Comment by Owen posted on
Hi Adam,
Thanks for the swift reply, much appreciated. Fingers crossed on everything being in order!
Comment by Aimee posted on
Hi Adam,
We are currently in the process of buying a house, however the house we are buying now has two land registry applications (one for adverse possession of land and the other for a transfer of land from another owner) that are holding up the sale/purchase. We understand that at least one of the applications has been expedited, although we haven't been given any idea of timescales for either application. We understand that an ordnance surveyor has been instructed to visit the property with reference to the adverse possession, but we were wondering if you knew (with an expedited application) how long from the surveyor attending, will it be before the application is approved? Also, for the transfer of land application, after a price with current owners has been agreed, again how long can we expect the approval of the application to take?
Thank you,
Comment by AdamH posted on
Aimee - adverse possession applications have 3 main hurdles to get over. The first is examination of the worded claim (stat Dec/statement of truth).
If that hurdle is overcome a survey is requested (usually done within 2 weeks of request) from Ordnance Survey but timescales can vary with Covid impact. They report back and that is matched with the claimed facts etc.
If that hurdle is overcome then wider checks are often needed eg adjoining owners or those perhaps effected. Those checks can vary re timescales but a minus would be 3/4 weeks.
The conveyancers involved would normally be aware if the hurdles/timescales but they can track progress
As far as the transfer of part goes agreeing a price is much earlier in the conveyancing process. We get the application after it’s completed and monies paid. They then lodge an application to register the purchase. That also needs expediting unless directly linked to the other application.
If it is expedited or linked then it will be considered at same time but only likely hurdle is that it’s not 8n order. Again the conveyancer should be able to clarify and reassure
Comment by Aimee posted on
Thank you for such a prompt response Adam. We hope everything is processed as prompt as you have responded to us, as we have been in this whole buying process now for over 25 weeks, having had to sell our property back in November to avoid losing the sale.
Thank you again,
Comment by AdamH posted on
Aimee - understood and this does read as if you e already encountered more hurdles than most to overcome. The key here is your own conveyancer as they are best placed to manage your expectations. They will of course b3 relying to a significant extent 9n the seller’s conveyancer who has in effect two extra spinning plates, adverse p land and the transferred part, to keep an eye on.
Hopefully things will all come together but it is a jigsaw so they need all the pieces first before fitting them together. Everything crossed for you
Comment by Bea posted on
We purchased a property end of May 2020. Not having our property registered holds us back from many developments, dispute resolutions with our neighbour. Is there a time limit when you think you will be able to register 2020-May transactions? Also, would we receive a notification when the property is registered? Because we keep checking the register, but the only way is to pay the fee that we've done now many times.
Thank you.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Bea - i assume you purchased a property from a larger title/development if it’s been this long. Unfortunately wait times are around 9* months currently.
Whoever lodged it will be notified so if you used a conveyancer then they should be able to update you re any progress
Comment by Kerrie posted on
We purchased a property in October 2020. Can you please tell me whether you have received an application to register this with HMLR? Our address is bienvenu, Burleigh Road, Charing, TN27 0JB. The conveyancer is not responding to our emails.
Many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Kerrie - we received it at the end of November and it was processed just before Christmas. Unfortunately we needed more from the conveyancer and they appear to have supplied that now. A caseworker needs to reconsider it next and that should be soon.
Please bear with us, your purchase is protected and I’m sure the conveyancer will notify you once registered.
Comment by Kerrie Pentley posted on
Thank you Adam for your quick reply, you have been a great help.
Take care
Comment by Paulene Gunn posted on
I wonder if you can help me. I am in the process of selling a small rental property I have,this has been ongoing since August 2020. On 23 December my buyers solicitor decided a highways search was needed as says the land registry map did not show the open front lawn abutting the pavement it clearly does along with the rest of the terrace of houses. I think an error has arisen,as on plans I have from when the house was built there is a line plotted showing the sewers which goes through my garden and several others,I think this might have been wrongly plotted as the boundary. I was the second person to own the property and it hasn’t been an issue previously,the results of the highways search isn’t due back until 2 Feb and I’ve been told if it’s wrong it will have to be amended,could you give me an idea of the timescale for this amendment please?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Paulene - we don’t do highways searches so best check with the solicitor as to where the search was submitted
Comment by Paulene posted on
Hi Adam,
Many thanks for your reply but what I was really wanting to know is if highways say the boundary is incorrect on the land registry plan does it then have to go through land registry to be amended and if so how long does this take?
Many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Paulene - that all depends on how the law views what’s ‘wrong’. That may seem odd but much will depend on what the search reveals but any application to try and amend the title is likely to take some time unless all affected parties agree
Comment by Paulene posted on
Many thanks for your help
Comment by Sean McCarthy posted on
Good evening, on the 12th of August 2020 we purchased a property that was uninhabitable. We have done an extensive renovation and we applied for a mortgage. This has been refused due to the land registry not being updated with our details.
This has being nearly 5 1/2 months.
Do you have an idea how long it will be before the land registry is updated?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sean - some months still so if there’s an urgency such as a linked/dependent transaction ask your conveyancer to request expedition
Comment by Daniel Paul posted on
Hi we are purchasing a property 24 Hazel Road Nuneaton . The venders have had to get a deed of variance which has now been sent to you on Monday 18th January 2021 electronically , the venders have sent you the application to be registered and have expedited the application, we agreed a sale last March and this is the only thing we are waiting on, we had to move out of our home due to we was close to losing the sale . Our mortgage offer has been extended and is due to run out again on 31st January 2021 . Please could anyone help get this through
Comment by AdamH posted on
Daniel - if it’s been expedited then it will be considered ASAP and if in order registered.
Comment by Daniel Paul posted on
Thank you very much for your help
Kind regards
Comment by Clive posted on
I'm selling a house that I bought in 1987 and have been advised to effect a transfer of equity to include my wife as joint owner before completion. I understand that registration must follow a ToE: as it would be a first registration, would it be given low(est) priority, thereby rendering the house unsaleable for many months to come? Are you able to give an idea of turnaround time for such a case?
Thanks in anticipation,
Comment by AdamH posted on
Clive - a pending registration doesn’t make it unsaleable. First registrations are currently waiting 6+ months. However if you confirm ab buyer then you can either provide them with copies of the deeds and complete as a sub-sale or you can request expedition of your own application.
Unsure what benefit there is in doing a ToE before selling but assume whoever has offered that advice is a professional and has confirmed the benefit for you. Whilst it’s not an area we deal with I’ve not heard of such advice being given before so simply highlighting and not saying it’s wrong.
Comment by Clive posted on
Hi. Thanks for replying so quickly. The reason behind the ToE is to be able to use both of our CGT allowances, as the house hasn't been our main residence for a while. If the ToE were effected and an application for first time registration had been made, would our buyer's solicitor have to wait for that registration to be completed, perhaps expedited, or could they complete the sale and make a separate application for registration in the buyer's name? If the latter, what would happen to the first registration application? Hope I've explained the situation clearly.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Clive - that’s up to them, their solicitor and most importantly their lender if they have one. Either is possible as explained from a purely registration perspective
Historically sub-sales have always been able to happen but some solicitors/lenders especially may have changed their approaches to them so only they can answer your wider Qs
Comment by rekha posted on
how long is it taking for a straight forward purchase and sale to have it lodged and registered without a solicitor
Comment by AdamH posted on
Rekha - 5/6 week wait and then 3 weeks for wider checks if needed
Comment by rekha posted on
what a speedy reply- thanks the title number is LA 857843 dont want to ring and take up valuable time at this time so could you check this for me please just need estimated time at the moment
Comment by AdamH posted on
Rekha - we still have it and I’d expect it to be processed this week. We will write to the person who submitted it shortly
Comment by Lorraine posted on
Can you please advise me how long I will be waiting for the register to be updated for my property? I bought my ex husband out approx 5 weeks ago .
Comment by AdamH posted on
Lorraine - the wait time between receipt by us and consideration is around 5/6 weeks currently.
Comment by Michael Thornton posted on
We completed our purchase on 2nd July 2020. Please could you advise when our title may be updated?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Michael - I assume it was a new title being created if that long so it’s likely to be some months yet. Your conveyancer can check and confirm date of submission and you should add at least 9 months from there as a wait time.
Your purchase is protected and has priority so if it’s just a check on how long to wait then there’s no need to worry. If there’s an urgency then speak to your conveyancer with regards expediting it.
Comment by Michael posted on
The title was already registered to the old owner so I'm guessing that it's an existing title that is just being changed? My house had a freehold and lease hold. We are now the owner of both but the leasehold wasn't registered. So the freehold is change of title and the leasehold is a registration
Comment by AdamH posted on
Michael - understood but my reply still holds true. If it were a simple update to an existing register it would have been done several months ago. I can only assume it’s not so you’ll need your solicitor to check and advise on timescales for you as they have the specific details
Comment by Michael posted on
Ok thanks. They submitted a question on the portal a week or so ago so hopefully get some more clarity soon
Comment by Sarah posted on
Hello, I am hoping you can provide us with some help. Our solicitor sent a TR1 application In March 2020, we are now in process of selling property and need this to be completed urgently as the deeds have been sent with the application. I think the solicitor has requested for the application to be expedited. Are you able to confirm status. 56 SS11 7ND
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sarah - the application is a first registration (AA15406). If they’ve requested expedition it’s not yet been added to the application/considered so assume they’ve requested it in the last 4/5 days
Once expedited it should be considered within 2 weeks so everything hinges on it being in order.
Suggest you ask them to confirm request made and that documentary evidence to confirm the sale/purchase has been supplied also
Comment by Sarah posted on
Thank you Adam
Comment by Sarah Brown posted on
Hi Adam, would it be possible for you to check if the expedite request has now been received and if all in order. AA15406 . Thank you
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sarah - it’s not been expedited as yet so best to check they’ve requested and submitted documentary evidence re the urgency
Comment by Hannah posted on
Hello, I am hoping you can help.
I am being bought out of the house I currently own with a friend and am in the process of buying a new house with my partner. The solicitor for my current house says completion will take place on 1st Feb but that only then can he send off the details to the Land Registry for my name to be taken off the Title Deeds. Is that correct and if so, please could you let me know a rough timescale of how long this would take? Thank you!
Comment by AdamH posted on
Hannah - I assume your name is being taken off by way of a transfer. If so then the advice is correct.
At present the wait times are around 5/6 weeks so if there’s an urgency you need to ask the solicitor to request expedition after they’ve submitted. If they do that correctly and it’s approved then the wait time is reduced to less than 2 weeks
Comment by Hannah posted on
Thanks for such a quick reply, I really appreciate it
Comment by Sarah Prowse posted on
Hello Adam,
We have been in the process of transferring the title deeds of the flat I reside in from my mothers name (Denise Higham) to mine. We have been using The Notary Express whom I have recently discovered are ceasing trading on the 17th February 2021. I have not been able to contact anyone at their firm and the lady dealing with our case will not respond to emails. It has taken nearly a year so far for what we assumed would be a simple process.
The last contact I had she had said this "I confirm I hold a signed Transfer and Independent Legal Advice form.On this basis, and subject to receiving instructions from yourself and Mrs Higham, I believe we are in a position to complete."
My mother and myself have both given her instructions over the phone on 25th November 2020 to go ahead.
I have been expecting some kind of evidence that everything is finalised and the Title Deed is now in my name but have received none so today I went onto the Land Registery site to purchase a copy of the Title Deed and it still says it is in my mothers name.
My mother is supposed to be moving into a new property as she and her husband are parting ways and are about to complete on their jointly owned home.
Now we are worried that as my flat is still in her name she will have to pay capital gains tax on it. Also if anything were to happen to her it would currently go to her husband.
I am now unsure as to whether the lady dealing with our transfer has lied to us or if there has been a problem. If you can help us it would be very much appreciated.
The Title Number of the property is DT123077
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sarah - I’m sorry to read of the difficulties you are facing.
I’m afraid it’s not good news as we don’t have an application to update that title. The title quoted is the freehold one which is owned by your Mother and the other flat owner. Her leasehold title is DT403908 and no application to update that either.
In the circumstances you’ll need to pursue this with the conveyancer and I’d suggest, in view of no response, you use their complaint process.
Comment by Vivek posted on
Hi, I am in the process of selling my house, it is freehold, however there seems to still be a leasehold title that is showing, this needs to be removed. How long will this take if it is expedited? Thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Vivek - expedition reduces the wait time to 5-10 days. Everything then hinges on the application being in order
Comment by Jacky posted on
Dear Adam. I have a similar scenario to Vivek above. Our solicitor has put in to merge a freehold and leasehold title of our house which is being sold. How long would this take if not expedited? Many thanks.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Jacky - 5/6 week wait before it’s considered
Comment by Jacky posted on
Many thanks Adam for your quick response. You mentioned the possibility of an expedited response?What is the criteria for this and how would we go about this?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Jacky - you actually mentioned expedition so I assumed you already knew how that was applied for. Here’s the guidance link https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-impact-on-hm-land-registrys-services#expedite
Comment by Jacky Hayden posted on
Dear Adam. Further to your advice last week, our solicitor has now asked for the expedition for the merging of the titles on our property as our buyer is on the brink of pulling out. You have mentioned that expedition could take 5-10 days. Is this realistic? How long does the process take once started? Is it complicated? Many thanks. Jacky
Comment by AdamH posted on
Jacky - expedition reduces the wait time only. If it is in order and nothing else needed then it is completed at the same time as it is considered. Expedition does not waive the registration requirements for example
Comment by Barbara posted on
Hi, I’m separating from my partner with whom we purchased a flat together in 2017. He’s buying me out but the whole process is at stall since September 2020 as the freeholder didn’t update the land registry paper in 2018 when they took over. I was told just befor Christmas they filed the papers to Land registry. I rang HM land registry last Friday 22nd January if they had received them and was told no, nothing has arrived. Freeholder solicitors are not responding. I believe by now the perpork should appear in the system. Where can I report this or what are my options? I know these are tough times, but I’m living in a horrible household in the middle of the pandemic and that piece of paper is my only key to get out.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Barbara - you need to chase whoever submitted it as if we’ve got nothing then I’m unsure what there is to report? Who made the application and how? What’s the title number/postal address?
I’d suggest going back to whoever lodged the application and to ask them to confirm the specifics for you
Comment by Barbara posted on
Thanks Adam!
Comment by Julie posted on
We sold our house in December 2020. We have built a house in the garden plot of the original house, which is now our main residence. Our solicitor told us that the buyers solicitors need to remove the original house from the deeds, leaving the new build with the original deeds. How long does this process take and when can we change the house name on the original deeds to show the new build?
Many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Julie - so you sold the house as a transfer of part and kept the land. If they’ve lodged it then the wait time is 9+ months currently.
You can apply to update the retained title at any point re the new address details. Use form AP1 and a copy of the councils letter confirming the new address https://www.gov.uk/registering-land-or-property-with-land-registry/update-or-correct-the-register
Comment by Kirsten Smith posted on
on the 10th November 2020, we finalized on the purchase of a new home that had been held in trust since the passing of my late father. The Property had been left to my sister and I and had been agreed that i would buy my sister out. The solicitors have not been very proactive through-out the handling of the Trust and i have some scepticism relating to them contacting you re the change of Land Registry from my father and Trustee's name to myself and partner. This is also holding up the Council Tax registration as this too is being held in their name. Is it reasonable for us to be waiting over 10weeks for application to be fully processed and updated given the situation we are all in today? many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Kirsten - whether it is reasonable will always be subjective but we do have a backlog of some types of work so it can unfortunately happen. The non-subjective part is that we have a backlog; the application’s priority is protected as soon as it is lodged; and if there is an urgency such as a linked/dependent transaction then if asked, we can expedite the process and consider it far sooner.
It’s that expedition process that hopefully makes our position more reasonable if not entirely satisfactory for all, us included.
May I ask if your solicitor has requested it be expedited or have they confirmed any other details such as title number, case reference or any other reason for the delay?
Happy to check if you can provide that detail?
Comment by Kirsten Smith posted on
thank you Adam for such a quick response back. My solicitors have not given any title number or case reference but only that ' the land Registry Applications in underway'. However, I go back and request some reference from them. thank you
Comment by Paul Hardwell posted on
Hi, how long are expedited applications taking for lease extensions?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Paul - the same as any other type as expedition reduces the wait time only. So if it’s expedited we’d consider it within 2 weeks. Everything then hinges on it being in order
Comment by Anthony posted on
please could you tell me how long a transfer of part will take, I purchased a piece of my neighbours garden on the 30th of november my solicitor has submitted the application.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Anthony - it will wait several months, about 9/10 at present, before it’s considered. The application and transfer is protected so it’s just a case of waiting until it’s registered
Comment by Anthony posted on
ok thank you Adam
Comment by AdamH posted on
Fang W - it’s still with us and we are waiting for more from the solicitor. You’ll need to contact them to clarify/confirm and when they will reply. Until they do we can’t complete it
Comment by AdamH posted on
Fang W - I’m afraid not. You should contact them to confirm/clarify.
You can apply by post for a copy if our request but that will take some time to do and receive. So quickest option is speak to the solicitor
Comment by AdamH posted on
Fang W - we contacted them on the 13th Nov.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Fang W - you too and good luck. Hopefully they will find it and be able to reply quickly.
Comment by Larry Buttle posted on
Thank you Adam. Your assistance is very much appreciated.
Regards, Larry Buttle.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Larry - it’s being processed ASAP but it needs to go to a senior officer to confirm if ok.
I had a quick look myself and I know you stated the buyers want the restriction removed as they wanted an ‘open sale’ but if you are both selling then it would be cancelled automatically anyway. Is there a wider reason why they want it cancelled perhaps?
Comment by Larry Buttle. posted on
Hi Adam,
Thanks for the latest info.
I have heard from our solicitors, Knight Polson, that they did advise the purchasers solicitors that the restriction would automatically be removed upon completion, but their response was: ‘he didn’t want any issues on registration of his clients application and therefore wants it removed before exchange.’
Unfortunately That remains their position, hence the need for the ST5 application to yourselves.
I do hope that this is ok? And that the issue can be resolved to allow completion?
In any event, I do thank you for your efforts which has at least allowed us to move forward to this point.
Larry Buttle.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Larry - many thanks and understood. The application has been processed but needs to be considered by a senior officer due to the statements given. Hopefully, what appears to be an over complication by the buyer’s solicitor of what’s involved, does not delay matters further for you all.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Larry - the caseworker has contacted the solicitor again for more I’m afraid so hopefully they’ll pick that up ASAP next week and respond
Comment by AdamH posted on
We welcome your comments about this blog in the comments panel below
However please note that we are unable to discuss individual cases through the comments section and would request that all such queries be directed to our contact web form where you will receive a response as soon as possible.
Comments which are relevant to individual cases will not be published or replied to
Comment by Lizzie Qu posted on
Hi Adam,
My partner and I are buying a property and looking to exchange next week. We are removing my partner's name from his current property this week and transfering to our new buy which will be our only residence. There has been unavoidable delays because of this and don't want to risk anything further to the sale. We don't want to pay the stamp duty, will the transfer be taken into account from the date our solicitor puts on the transfer or the date registered with LR? Will we be forced to pay stamp duty of it is the latter?
Thank you in advance,
Comment by AdamH posted on
Lizzie - a Q for HMRC and your solicitor to answer and not us I’m afraid
Comment by Bhushan posted on
Hi Adam,
Application (ref#D435VQR) was received at your end on 17/12/2020 for Transfer of Equity and last time I called on 15/1/2021 was told that still there's no case worker assigned to it.
Clearly now it's over 6 weeks & have not received any update.
Please can you help to get it complete.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Bhushan - sadly timescales can’t be definitive but it was expedited on 1st Feb so it is now being processed. Wider checks will need to take place so please bear with us and if we contact you then please reply as soon as possible
Comment by Bhushan Pradhan posted on
Hi Adam,
Thank you for your reply. Sorry, can you explain a bit more on 'wider checks' i.e. what is it & how long it will take please? I was told that current timescale is around 6 weeks to complete. I shall be grateful if you could please expedite my case. I need to submit paperwork to bank middle of this month (Feb 21).
Kind regards,
Comment by AdamH posted on
Bhushan - I’m afraid not as the checks are linked to minimal is if the risk of any property fraud for example so we can5 go into details. I’ve already indicated a possible timescale for you.
The current timescale you refer to is a wait time between receipt of the application and it being considered. Once an application is considered it might be completed there and then but many can’t be as either they are not in order or wider checks are needed. Sometimes both.
Expedition shortens that initial wait time and as mentioned it was expedited on 1st Feb so considered shortly afterwards. Such expedition can’t hurry the wider checks mentioned sadly.
Comment by Bhushan Pradhan posted on
Thanks for prompt reply Adam and appreciate your help!
Looking forward to get the paperwork done soon.
Kind regards,
Comment by Michael posted on
Good Morning Adam,
Please can you help with the below,
Me and my partner completed on a property on 11/10/2019 and we are yet to receive our land registry. It’s been 15 months. We understand that Covid has impacted this but we need this document as we are planning to sell shortly.
Please can you find out where we are at in this process?
The property address is below,
58 Runnymede
Many Thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Michael - an application to register #58 for the first time was submitted at the end of October 2020. A second application to register a lease was submitted in mid November and that includes a Transfer to you as well it seems.
Wait times for these types of application are around 9/10 months so you still have a long wait before they are considered.
I can’t advise why it took over a year to submit but now we have it the wait time need not be an issue. Your purchase is protected and whilst I can understand the frustration if you are not moving for example then it should be a case of waiting until your conveyancer advises it’s been registered.
If at any stage there is a sale or urgency then they can ask us to expedite it. But a long wait isn’t grounds for expediting it I’m afraid.
Comment by Linda smith posted on
Hi I am executor of fathers estate and have grant of probate brother put forms in and I also as executor to have dads name taken off register and brothers put on mr Nicholas James Davis 12 loughrigg terrace fy44rw theses were put in and acknowledge b y land registry 24/12/2020 just done a search albeit registry only updated 34/12/2020 can you tell me when the register for my late fathers property will go in my brothers name regards Linda smith
Comment by AdamH posted on
Linda - wait times are around 5/6 weeks currently so please bear with us and wait for confirmation to be posted
Comment by Diana Martel posted on
I have been trying to get my name changed on my Deeds and I am getting nowhere. I have tried to get the ID form filled in but can't get anyone to do it. I have a new passport - would you accept a certified copy of both old and new passport together with form AP1? Also, when I purchased the property, some of the charges from the previous owner were not removed - there again, I can't get anyone to get it sorted - this is very stressful - I own my property outright but according to the register, a mortgage company owns it! Please HELP!
Comment by AdamH posted on
Diana - I’d suggest using our temporary arrangements instead if form ID1 cannot be used
Comment by Mark posted on
Hi Adam,
I am about to submitted a title split via a solicitor, could you let me know current typical processing times?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Mark - 9/10 months wait time. If you are applying to split then you need to explain why as we will refuse if no specific and valid reason
Comment by Mark posted on
Hi Adam,
The title is being split as a new house is being built on the new title / land, and a re-mortgage is being sought on the retained title.
Is it really going to take 8-10 months? We have a mortgage offer for the re-mortgage that will have long expired by that time the title is split, and we can't get the re-mortgage without the split title
Comment by AdamH posted on
Mark - yes but if there’s an urgency as there’s a l8nked and dependent transaction it can be expedited
Comment by Ling posted on
Hi Adam
I have reverted to my maiden name after divorce. Therefore I need to notify HM Land Registry. Do I need to fill in panel 14 on Form AP1? Do I leave it blank since it is a case of change of name after divorce? I am the sole owner of the house and mortgage had been paid off.
I have watched the video guide and the instructions, but I am still none the wiser.
Many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Ling - no, panels 1-7 inc and 15 only. Make it clear in panel 4/covering letter that you are changing your name from married name to maiden name
Comment by Ling posted on
Hi Adam
Thanks for your prompt reply. Highly appreciated. Do I need to fill in Form ID1 too?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Ling - no and that’s why panels are blank
Comment by Liam Coyne posted on
Hi there could you tell me how long it would take for a leasehold title to be removed. Merging with a freehold title. We are anxious and worried with stamp duty coming up on how long the wait is for this.
Many thanks Liam
Comment by AdamH posted on
Liam - if that’s all then a 5/6 week wait
Comment by Sarah posted on
Hello. We purchased our property as a new build a few years back. However, a restriction was carried on from the developers title onto our property title. We are now selling this property and the buyers solicitors has requested we have this restriction removed. We are awaiting rx4 to be completed by the developers. Once we had this application in, what is the turnaround time? We are part of a chain and this is the last outstanding enquiry to resolve. Thanks.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sarah - there will be a wait time if around 5/6 weeks before it’s considered. If that’s too long then speak to the lodging conveyancer and ask them to request expedition. Expedition reduces the wait time to under 10 days.
It doesn’t waive or reduce the registration requirements though and those have to be met to avoid any extra delay
Comment by Sarah posted on
Hi Adam. Thank you for your help. The application was submitted yesterday - reference U801ZRR. It should have been required to be expedited, could I check that this request for expedite has happened?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sarah - I’ll flag with colleagues so that the request is picked up and actioned
Comment by Sarah posted on
Thank you Adam. Will this make it expedited? We have already waited many weeks for paperwork and it is delaying sale.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sarah - yes
Comment by Sarah posted on
Thank you Adam. I really appreciate you raising it. The party who submitted it did comment on the form to request expedition so I wanted to be sure.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sarah - they did but that would not have been picked up on until the application was considered in 5/6 weeks. Applicants are asked to submit first and then request expedition through a supported channel as we dont have the resources to check every routine submission
Comment by Lis posted on
Hi Adam,
Please can you confirm once an application for removal of a charge has been experidated ( Monday 2nd of feb )
How long this will take we were due to complete our sale tomorrow .
Is there anyway at all we can speed this up or have a timescale - been told 48 hours to ten working days ?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Lis - expedition reduces the remaining wait time between receipt and consideration. Expedition means it should be considered within 10 business days of it being expedited with most being considered within 2/3 days as you state. The key in every case is that when it’s considered it can be completed there and then. Expedition does not remove the registration requirements
Comment by Marnie Black posted on
Hi Adam
We sold a piece of land early December and now are selling the house to another buyer. Their solicitors say they “will require up to date office copies of the title showing that this land has been removed from the title and shaded in green on the filed plan as is the usual procedure when land is sold out of a title. We do not wish to encounter any issues when we are dealing with our clients registration. “
Our solicitor says the sale can go through without this and has indicated to them that it may take up to a year to register but they are insisting. We will lose the sale and our purchase if they insist, We have today made an application to expedite this, is it likely to be done soon or within a week or so as we have a proposed exchange date on our purchase of 15/2/21.
Many thanks for your advice.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Marnie - expedition gets it looked at ASAP, usually within a few days of it being approved. Timescales after that can5 be definitive as it all depends on what’s needed and if it’s all in order. You’ll have to wait until it’s considered and if ok it could be done there and then. If it can’t your solicitor can track progress online but if that’s needed then I doubt it will be completed in a week.
Comment by Lis posted on
Thanks Adam, we are just really desperate and at risk.of our chain clasping if not completed today
Comment by AdamH posted on
Lis - understood but what’s your conveyancer said re specifics?
Comment by Lis posted on
Hi Adam, i think i have replied to the wrong response,we have no conveyancer. Just our solicitors who are awiating the sale.
All funds are released etc but we can not proceed until the charge is removed. It was experidated on tuesday
Comment by Marnie posted on
Dear Adam
Many thanks for your super quick reply!
Just to be clear, providing paperwork is all in order, it may only take a week? Will I get notification?
Really grateful for your advice about this.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Marnie - yes re timescale hopefully but only the applicant would be notified on completion
Comment by Marnie Black posted on
Thanks Adam
I was the applicant who asked to expedite it, and... I’ve had an acknowledgment that it has been accepted to to expedited, so fingers crossed.
What a great service this enquiry line is!
Thank you very much
Comment by AdamH posted on
Marnie - thank you and understood. However this is a blog rather than an enquiry line so if anyone else reads this then please use our Contact Us forms and guidance if you can
Comment by AndrewS posted on
How can i find out if an application to expedite a freehold transfer has been requested?
Comment by AdamH posted on
AndrewS - ask whoever lodged it or your own conveyancer to check/confirm. If they have then they should be able to provide you with the title number and case reference
Comment by Nazmin Islam posted on
Naz: we are in a process of buying a property but there is a restriction on title. The seller solicitor submitted the application on 15th jan and also submitted expedition form this week so that it can be looked into quickly. However the seller wants to do the completion by 12th Feb. Do you think the title can be updated by next week?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Naz - if it’s expedited then it should be looked at next week. But it has to be doable so all in order, restrictioner consents (if they need to) and no wider checks needed. Best ask your conveyancer to clarify/confirm that detail for you to manage timescales.
Comment by Rob posted on
Hi Adam, please can you confirm the end to end time frame for a whole property transfer, where there is no money involved. In this case it is for a divorce, where the concent order commits me to a timeframe, with the threat of jail if the time slot is not adhered to. So you can imagine, I need to know the worst case time.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Rob - wait times are around 5/6 weeks for a register update. However in my experience such orders require you to transfer, not register, by a certain date so if you complete and execute the Transfer by the date you may find that’s ok. If whoever is lodging it doesn’t then do it in time and/or there’s a wait time before being registered they are both outside of your control. Worth checking rather than stressing perhaps?
Comment by Rob posted on
Thanks for the quick reply Adam. Sorry if a silly question but what is the difference between a transfer and register. I was only expecting to do a TR1 form.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Rob - a register is the record we keep and maintain. A transfer is a legal deed which transfers the registered ownership. If you are completing a TR1 (transfer) you’ll also need an application form AP1 and identity verification as appropriate
Comment by Jessica posted on
My dad is still waiting for his house to be put into his name and he sent his application in November. What is the likely time frame for this please as he is waiting to do equity release?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Jessica - what type of application was it and did he lodge it himself? That will impact on timescales
Comment by Jessica posted on
It was a transfer of ownership and was done by financial advisors on his behalf
Comment by AdamH posted on
Jessica - many thanks. If it was a transfer of an already registered title then the wait time shouldn’t be that long. What have they told him re title number/case reference, submission date and progress?
Comment by Kristie posted on
Hello - my ex husband and I have a financial order as part of our divorce. I want to check that my Tr1 form I completed has been received and if this is being processed yet? The address is 9 fulford close, Barnsley, s75 5PY. The court order dictates 56 days so if you could be any help that would be great. Thank you.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Kristie - nothing showing in the system as yet I’m afraid. I assume you sent it last week and if so it can take time for the post and then our scanning/adding it to our system.
I should add that in my experience the order/56 days applies to the two of you completing the actual Transfer rather than how quickly that and the register is updated.
Comment by Jacky Hayden posted on
Dear Adam. Thank you for your reply. Our buyer has now pulled out but we have secured another buyer who is also asking for reassurance re the title of our property. Our solicitor put in an expedited request for the titles of our property to be merged. Would you be able to confirm how long it will take for this to be considered? The property is 19 Osborne Place Sutton SM14RJ. We are worried that our new buyer will be put off unless we can resolve the issue soon. Many thanks. Kind regards. Jacky
Comment by AdamH posted on
Jacky - once expedited then it’s generally considered within 2 weeks but often a few days.
There’s no request showing against either title to expedite so I’m guessing they are getting documentary evidence of the new purchase together to submit with their request.
I’ll flag it with colleagues but worth confirming with solicitor
Comment by Jacky Hayden posted on
Thanks very much Adam for your quick reply and advice. I will check with my solicitors. Jacky
Comment by JEVAN posted on
Title GM716268 - Would you be able to give an approximate timescale for this Gift Transfer please?
The TR1,AP1,ID3's and cheque were received at Gloucester on 13 January.
Many Thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Jevan - the timescale is around 6 weeks before it’s considered. Any further timescale depends on if it’s in order and/or wider checks are needed
Comment by JEVAN posted on
Many thanks for that Adam - Much appreciated by me -and I am sure your quick responses are appreciated by everyone asking the questions on here.
Take Care.
Comment by ian middleton posted on
My solicitor has filed first registration documents for an inherited property October / November 2020. It is now Mid-February 2021 and we await confirmation of first registration. This is becoming urgent as we are waiting to move on a mortgage offer on this property. Is there any way the process can be expedited?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Ian - I can’t see anything relating to #46 specifically so is that the right number?
If it is then your solicitor needs to request expedition if there’s an urgency. Have they done that and if so what’s the title number/case reference? They should be able to confirm this all for you and make that request
Comment by ian middleton posted on
Thanks Adam - I will contact my solicitor this morning and get them on to this.
Comment by S posted on
Hi Adam,
Hope you’re well. I just wanted an update on an application that has been expedited a few weeks ago - can we please confirm that it has been expedited please? Also can you please inform me of the status and give an indication of how long the query will take to resolve please?
We have been shared the below reference numbers - not sure which to share so I have provided both.
Ref - GWS21/002
Ref - S977KQR
Thank you so much - we really hope you can help us!
Thank you,
Comment by AdamH posted on
S - the application was submitted on 8th Dec. It’s not expedited as processing had started on 10th Jan. Unfortunately we need more from the solicitor and we contacted them on the 2nd Feb
I can’t see a record of any reply yet but hopefully you can check and clarify with them
Comment by S posted on
Hi Adam,
Thank you so much for your response! Does it need to be expedited or are you just awaiting a response from the solicitor in order to continue reviewing the query?
Just for my own understanding - it hasn’t been expedited because it wasn’t necessary in this case as you were already reviewing it?
Do you know roughly how long this sort of query takes to resolve?
Thank you so much - you have been so helpful!
Comment by AdamH posted on
S - expedition is aimed at reducing the wait time before it’s considered. That wait time has already passed so now we need the conveyancer to respond. The ball is back in their court now and hopefully if they can sort that ASAP we can get it over the finish line.
Comment by S posted on
Hi Adam,
That’s perfect - thank you. We’ll get in touch with our solicitors!
Thanks again,
Comment by S posted on
Hi Adam,
I hope you’re well. Just wanted to check if you’ve had a reply yet please?
Thank you!
Comment by Rakesh Chavda posted on
My property is noted on a leasehold title under someone else's name, Leasehold title number WK412, this entry needs to be removed.
This has been expedited by my solicitor over week ago. My mortgage offer is due to expire 26/02/21. Are you able to look in this and advise of the timescale please? As we are really concerned that completion will not happen in time. Many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Rakesh - it’s being considered at the moment so hopefully, if the amendment can be made, it will be sorted well within time.
Comment by Rakesh Chavda posted on
Thankyou for checking
Comment by Sally posted on
Hi. I’m looking to amend deeds to allow access for neighbouring properties to access my gate and path to reach storage they have that can only be accessed through my property. I’m am happy for them to have access but how do we do this please? What sort of timeframe too if possible. Many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sally - if you are going to grant them rights then our PG 62 section 3 guides you as to what’s required from a registration perspective https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/easements
Whilst you don’t have to use a solicitor we’d always recommend you do to ensure both the legal and registration requirements are covered
Comment by Sally posted on
Great information thank you. So this access information will be recorded on all 3 deeds (mine and the 2 neighbours) Is it only me that has costs? Thank you again
Comment by AdamH posted on
Sally - the registration fee would be paid on the one application. Who pays that is up to those involved. What costs are involved depends on what professionals you use.
If your property is mortgaged then you are likely to need your lender’s consent and they may insist you do use a solicitor
Comment by Adam Spencer posted on
Dear Adam,
This looks like an excellent service, and I was hoping you might be able to help / advise me? I purchased a share of freehold of my property in November 2020. We are now lined up to sell the property and move with an onward chain. Everything is in place to exchange now which I thought would take place today, however I have been told by my estate agent that we will be unable to exchange on the sale until the register has been updated.
This is hugely frustrating as if I had known back in November when I bought the share of freehold, I could have asked for the Land Registry process to be expedited back then!! And now the delay is putting my entire chain at risk. I understand my conveyancers made an expedition request on 20th January 2020 and I was hoping you could check whether this had been completed, or if not when you think it might be looked at?
The application was in respect to a transfer of freehold title and the registration of two new leases. The freehold title number is: SGL 27003
Thank you!
Comment by AdamH posted on
Adam - we still have them. The applications were expedited and have been processed. However we needed more from the conveyancer and whilst they have provided a partial reply we need more.
They have confirmed they are on the case so hopefully we will hear back soon and matters can move on. You’ll have to bear with them and us a little longer
Comment by Adam Spencer posted on
Hi AdamH,
I was wondering if there is an update on the application in respect to freehold title number : SGL 27003. Have you received what you need now from the conveyancers in order to process the application?
Best regards, Adam
Comment by AdamH posted on
Adam - the new leasehold title for 24A was completed yesterday. That’s your leasehold title. With regards the other lease and the freehold title update we are still waiting for more
Comment by Adam Spencer posted on
Dear AdamH. Thank you very much for the update. I will be chasing conveyancers again next week to provide you with what you need in order to close off these cases. Have a lovely weekend. Adam
Comment by Adam Spencer posted on
Dear Adam, thank you for a very prompt response! I'll discuss further with my conveyancer.
Have a lovely weekend!! Adam
Comment by Tim posted on
Hi, I am purchasing a property with 5 land parcels. These are being combined into one. How long is this currently taking to process? Regards Tim
Comment by AdamH posted on
Tim - if you are buying a part or parts of all ready registered titles then the wait time is 9+ months due to a backlog and impact of Covid
Comment by Ian Holmes posted on
We’re in the process of buying a property the title deeds of which currently have the sellers name incorrectly spelled and charges relating to expired mortgages on which need removing. The sellers solicitor has now applied to have these changed/removed, just wondering how long this is likely to take? We’re frustrated because we raised the issues weeks ago and it seems they’ve only just auctioned the applications.
Thanks in advance.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Ian - 5/6 weeks wait and then it’s all about it all being in order. You can shorten that wait time by asking the conveyancer to request expedition. Wait time then 10 days or less and usually 3/4 days
Comment by Ian Holmes posted on
I’ve just looked at their application, it seems the documents have been accepted and they’ve already requested expedition in the notes, is this sufficient?
The HMLR ref no. Is G054FSR for the name change and H406WRR for the mortgage charges.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Ian - if they’ve requested it on submission then no as applications are not vetted on receipt. We have asked customers to use specific and supported contact channels to request expedition and also lodge documentary evidence to confirm the urgency. I’ll take a look at the references you have quoted to see if we have what’s needed
Comment by AdamH posted on
Ian - as I expected so I’ve flagged with colleagues to expedite it. That should get it looked at ASAP
Comment by Ian Holmes posted on
Thanks Adam! Really appreciate that!
Comment by Steph posted on
Hi AdamH
I have bought some land and am waiting for it to go though the registry. I am hoping to get planing permission but am wondering how long until the land is in my name. It was purchased in October 2020.
Thank you
Comment by AdamH posted on
Steph - if it was part of a larger title then the wait time currently is 9/10 months. The planning process, in my experience, is not linked to the registration one so you should be able to apply before the title is registered
Comment by Steph posted on
Thanks Adam
I am not sure what a larger tittle is?
Although this little plot of land comes from a bigger subdivided plot if land.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Steph - that’s right so the seller has transferred you part of their large titke
Comment by Steph posted on
Thank you
Comment by Kate posted on
Hi. We completed on a property with a lease extension simultaneously 21 months ago now, very much pre covid. The registry still as not been updated. Whilst I understand there is a backlog can you confirm the backlog extends this far. We have had our conveyance firm try to chase up on a few occasions but back log due to CV remains the explanation, 21 months seems extreme.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Kate - 21 months is extreme so do you have the title number/case reference or address? It may still show a delay but also an idea of when submitted after you completed
Comment by Kate posted on
Thank you Adam.
Is there a contact outside the public forum to give more details? I am just a little uncertain putting the address in a public domain and I dont have Title number to hand.
Perhaps you could indicate if there is someone or a role within the department who I could contact to perhaps look into?
Many thanks
Comment by AdamH posted on
Kate - you’ll need to use our Contact form https://help.landregistry.gov.uk/app/contactus_general
This is a blog and not a forum
Comment by kate posted on
Many thanks, I will make contact.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Amy - the application has been completed and the register updated
Comment by Amy posted on
Oh my goodness that’s wonderful news Thankyou so much for letting me know. I wasn’t expecting that but I’m delighted to know.
Thankyou again
Comment by Simon posted on
ok thank you that is most helpful and I will make some enquiries.
Comment by Tara D posted on
Hi, we’re looking at getting an application expedited this afternoon by our conveyancer, we are ready to complete on a sale and purchase of a property aside from this issue. The issue in question involves some land within our property boundary wall that isn’t showing up as ours on some searches, but we’ve always known it to be ours since buying the property in 2013, ourselves and previous owner haven’t changed the wall since the houses were built in 1983, extended or procured any additional land.
We have an ST1 form from the previous owner about the land in question and from ourselves. How long are we looking at to get the land in my partners name with all the qualifying criteria met?
This is holding up our sale and putting our purchase in a unpredictable position. Unfortunately our buyers conveyancer only flagged this up at near completion stage not in December.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Tara D - expedition means it should be considered initially with 2 weeks. If it’s in order then we usually have to arrange a site visit/survey and if that works out carry out wider checks with neighbours. So you are looking at several weeks I’m afraid.
Without expedition that initial wait time will be considerably longer. Ask the solicitor to ensure they lodge the application and then request expedition through their secure online portal
Comment by Chris R posted on
Hi Adam,
I wouldnt normally reach out but we are struggling to complete due to the only problem being a restriction on the title deeds for the house we are buying.
The restriction removal has been applied for and expedited by both solicitors. Could you see the progress of it and give me a rough time scale please? We are at risk of falling through due to this. Title No. WM615534
Thanks for any help
Comment by AdamH posted on
Chris R - the application has only just been expedited so it should be considered in the next few days. Everything then hinges on it being in order
Comment by Chris R posted on
Great, thanks
Comment by Tony posted on
Hi Adam
Just wondering if you could help with a transfer application we submitted last September, (the reference is MAN371016).
Any help much appreciated.
Comment by AdamH posted on
Tony - that’s a first registration submitted in December after a Transfer completed in September. If there’s an urgency then please ask the solicitor to request expedition
Comment by Tony posted on
Ok many thanks Adam. Great facility/service you're providing here, much appreciated.
Comment by Stacey Tipler posted on
I am trying to purchase the remaining 50% of my property, the legal firm acting on behalf of the mortgage provider are saying there is a pending application with land registry so they therefore cannot progress as they can not pull the deeds.
How do I find out who has made an application?
Comment by AdamH posted on
Stacey - you can make a postal OS3 search (£7) or ask the legal firm to clarify if they know and are willing to tell you